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The King of Mangoes - Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online / devgad hapus and ratnagiri hapus

Ratnagiri and Devgad Hapus - AlphonsoMango.in

Devgad Hapus vs Ratnagiri Hapus: A Comparison

Devgad Hapus vs Ratnagiri Hapus: Which One Wins?

Both Ratnagiri vs Devgad Hapus mangoes are considered winners in taste, aroma, and colour. However, there are slight differences between the two varieties.

While both are delicious and aromatic, Devgad Alfanso is known for its distinct sweetness and thicker pulp.

In contrast, Ratnagiri Hafoos is known for its tangy flavour and juiciness. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preference.

Buy Devgad & ratnagiri Alphonso Mango

Ratnagiri Mango Vs Devgad Hapus

Hapus or Alphonso is grown in Ratnagiri and Devgad of the Konkan coastal strip of Maharashtra. Devgadh, a beautiful coastal town, lies just a little north of the popular tourist destination, Goa.

If you're looking for a serene and unexplored place to unwind, Devgadh is the perfect destination. And the best part?

Ratnagiri, which is located just 100 km north of Devgadha, is easily accessible and makes for a great addition to your trip. Don't miss out on exploring these hidden gems of the Konkan coast.

Buy mango online

Discover the convenience of ordering fresh and juicy mangos from the comfort of your home.

You can deliver the best mangos straight to your doorstep with just a few clicks. Our online store offers various mangos, from the sweetest Alphonso to the tangy Kesar. You will find the perfect one for your taste buds.

Don't wait any longer to enjoy this delicious and healthy fruit - place your order now and get ready to indulge in the taste of summer!

What is the difference between Devgad Hapus and Ratnagiri Hapus mangoes?

The main difference between both of them lies in their taste and texture. Devgada Hafoos is known for its sweet, juicy, and fiberless flesh with a distinct aroma. Ratnagiri Hafoos, on the other hand, has a slightly tangier flavour and a firmer texture.

Ratnagiri Hapus Vs Devgad Hapus: Which One Is the Best?

Mango is more than just a fruit for Indians. It's the king of fruits and the pride of Maharashtra's Konkan region.

The most popular variety is the Alphonso, known for its unique taste, sweetness, and fragrance. But which one is better - Ratnagiri or Devgad Hafoos? Let's find out.

Konkan Region of Maharashtra

The Konkan region of Maharashtra, stretching from Mumbai to Goa, is known for its fertile soil, favorable weather conditions, and ideal geographical conditions for mango cultivation. It is home to generations of mango growers.

Ratnagiri Hapus

Ratnagiri Hapus, the world's best Alphonso mango, is known for its pleasant smell, golden yellow color, and sweet taste.

The unique taste of रत्नागिरी Hafoos comes from the geographical conditions of Ratnagiri district, located on the Arabian Sea coast.

The fruit grown in this region has a thicker skin and a stronger Alphonso fragrance. Ratnagiri Hafoos ripens slowly, resulting in a flavorful medium-sized mango.

Devgad Hapus

Devgad & रत्नागिरी Hafoos are both authentic fruits that have a GI tag. Unlike रत्नागिरी Hafoos, Devgad Hafoos are grown in the Ratnagiri district and Devgad in the Sindhudurg district of Western Maharashtra.

The tropical fruits from this region are known for their unique taste, sweet fragrance, and thinner skin.

The ripening process of Hafoos is faster, resulting in a softer and brighter mango.

Which One Is the Best?

Ratnagiri and Devgad Hapus mangoes are known for their exceptional quality and taste. However, they have some differences that set them apart.

Ratnagiri Hafoos has thicker skin, a stronger fragrance, and a slower ripening process.

On the other hand, Devgad Hafoos has a thinner skin, sweeter scent, and faster ripening process.

To ensure you get the best quality Devgad Alphonso or रत्नागिरी Hapus mangoes, it's important to be cautious when buying them. Some markets may sell inferior mangoes.

Purchasing directly from us or through trusted sources like WhatsApp or blogs is preferable.

Buy Ratnagiri and Devgad Hapus

Both regions are the leading producers of Alphonso, not only in India but across the globe.

From March to July, India produces more than a thousand species of mango. But none of them are as desirable as Alphonso.

It is sweet, fiberless, and saffron. Good quality Alphonso weighs about 230 to 270 grams.

Alphonso mango in Mumbai

The रत्नागिरी, Sindhudurg, and Raigad districts of Maharashtra have a combined total of one lakh thirty thousand hectares dedicated to Alphonso mango cultivation.

Mango gift boxes are everyone's favourite in the corporate world. I have specially designed Alphonso gift boxes. We at alphonsomango.

Ratnagiri Hapus

In some parts of India, a tradition suggests that mothers send mangoes to their married daughters' and sons-in-law's homes. 

alphonsomango.in Brings you the original Alphonso mangoes directly from the farms to you.

These mangoes are chemical-free and naturally ripened.

These mangoes grow on family-owned farms and are nourished with extensive care in both districts.

We ensure that no chemical ripeners are used by bringing the mangoes to you directly from orchards. 

alphonsomango. Mumbai offers the smallest and newest रत्नागिरी and Devgad Alphonso mangoes online.

Our mangoes are free of chemicals and are made by traditional farming methods in Devgad, रत्नागिरी, and Sindhudurg.

Our mangoes have a unique aroma, delicious texture, low fiber, and high water.

Buy Ratnagiri Mango

We deliver semi-ripe mangoes to avoid travel injuries.

The fruit will ripen, smoothen, and become fragrant after arrival.

Delivery time for Alphonso Mangoes

Delivery time for Alphonso in Mumbai is around 1 to 2 days.

Besides Mumbai, it is around 2 to 3 days in most metro cities.

Other than Metro City, delivery time is 3 to 5 days.

These are the delivery times for Hapus Mango.


Both रत्नागिरी Alphonso and Devgad Alphonso are unique in their way. The geographical conditions, topography, and gradients of these regions contribute to the distinctiveness of the mangoes.

The quality of the mangoes is also influenced by the manure used, the ripening process, and the moisture content.

At the same time, some people prefer the thicker skin and more potent fragrance of रत्नागिरी Hapus, while others like the sweeter fragrance and brighter colour of Devgad Hapus. So, deciding which is best for you is up to you.

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