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Dry Fruits / pista dry fruit calories

Amazing Pista Dry Fruit Online

Amazing Pista Dry Fruit Online

Pista dry fruit is a type of dried fruit that is typically made from pistachios.

The Pistacia genus, which includes pistachio and the terebinth, produces these fruits.

Buy Salted Pista Dry Fruits Online

Buy Pista Dry Fruits Online

They are native to central Asia and the Middle East and have been cultivated for centuries.

Dry fruit Pistachio was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century and to the United States in the 19th century.

Now the United States of America is the Largest Grower in the world and the second-ranking in Turkey.

We import it from the United states Large size is called Akbari Pista.

They are a popular type of nut and are often used in baking and cooking. 

You can also eat directly as a snack during the evening or morning to avoid junk food hunger pangs.

Dry fruit is a healthy alternative to other types of dried fruit, such as raisins or prunes.

They are a good nutty vegan natural source of protein, fiber, and vitamins A and E.

They contain natural phytochemicals and antioxidants that may help protect against heart disease and cancer.

Pista dry fruit is available year-round. It may be available in some of the grocery stores near you, But if you are looking for the best ones, it is available online with us.

Origin of Pista Dry Fruit

They are native to central Asia and the Middle East.

They have been cultivated for centuries and were first introduced to Europe in the 16th century and to the United States in the 19th century.

Description of Pista Dry Fruit

They are small, green nuts that grow on trees in the Pistacia genus.

They are typically sold with their shells still on.

The shell is thin and can be easily removed by cracking it open with your teeth or using a nutcracker.

Pistachios are a popular type of nut and are often used in baking and cooking. They can also be eaten on their own as a snack.

Health Benefits of Pista Dry Fruit

This dry fruit is available year-round. It is a healthy alternative to other types of dried fruit, such as raisins or prunes.

 It is among the best nuts for Cholesterol.

How to Enjoy Pista Dry Fruit

There are many ways to enjoy them. Here are some ideas:

- Add in Pista Barfi, cookies, bars

-Add it to trail mix or yogurt for a nutritious snack.

-Use it as a topping on oatmeal or pancakes.

-Add it to salads or stir-fries for a crunchy texture.

-Bake with it! Try adding them to cookies, cakes, or bread.

It is a healthy and delicious way to add flavor and nutrition to your diet. Give it a try today!

Pista Dry Fruit Nutritional Facts

The following nutritional information is for one ounce (28 grams).

Calories: 160

Fat: 13 grams

Saturated fat: 1.5 grams

Unsaturated fat: 11 grams

Trans fat: 0 grams

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Sodium: 0 milligrams

Potassium: 190 milligrams

Carbohydrates: 8 grams

Fiber: 3 grams

Sugar: 5 grams

Protein: 5 grams

It also contains vitamins A and E, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

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