Raisins for Constipation
Raisins improve digestion. They comprise a significantly high amount of fiber, which provides immense relief to those with constipation.

Raisins are full of medicinal properties. They help soften hard stool and soothe bowel movements.
Raisins are natural laxatives that soften stool when soaked in water. They are rich in fiber and act as natural laxatives.
Consuming soaked raisins helps prevent constipation but also aids your digestion process.
Raisins for baby's constipation
Small babies love sweet raisins as soon as they start crawling. If you can keep them in a small bowl with easy access, they will start munching on them.
As it satisfies the baby's sweet tooth, it helps relieve constipation. It clears the digestive tract and aids the baby's digestion.
Raisin water for baby constipation
Raisin water is the best aid for baby constipation and for kids' constipation as it contains the best natural fiber, which acts like a laxative.
If Ajwain is added to this water, it also helps relieve gas formation in babies and acts as a natural laxative.