Roasted Flax Seeds
Roasted Flax Seeds - 250 gms ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ಆರ್ಡರ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅದು ಮತ್ತೆ ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ಗೆ ಬಂದ ತಕ್ಷಣ ರವಾನಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.
ಪಿಕಪ್ ಲಭ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ.
Buy Online Crunchy, Roasted Flax Seeds with a Nutty flavour
Best quality Roasted Flax seeds buy Online.
Super health food Roasted Flax Seeds
Roasted High-quality Flaxseed to your diet with Himalayan Pink Salt Improves metabolism, Supports Thyroids, and Promotes digestion with a Salty Lip Smacking taste. It is commonly known locally as alsi seeds.
These roasted seeds have a delicious salty flavour and numerous health benefits.
Roasted Flaxseed is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae,
Super Raw Food or SuperFood
It is also known as Super Raw food or Superfood due to its rich nutritional features.
Only the Roasted Flaxseed and oil of the flax plant are used medicinally as edible for humans.
Roasted flax seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to improve heart health.
Roasted flax seeds are like tiny superpowers for your heart. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, like special helpers that make your heart stronger and healthier.
Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower blood pressure, calm inflammation, and ensure blood doesn't clot too easily. Imagine them as tiny superheroes fighting for your heart's health!
Besides omega-3 fatty acids, roasted flax seeds contain fibre, protein, and other important vitamins.
They're like tiny nutritional powerhouses. You can eat them as a crunchy snack, add them to your smoothies or yoghurt to boost flavour and nutrition or sprinkle them on top of salads or cereals for extra goodness.
So, if you want to give your heart a superhero boost, make roasted flax seeds your new best friend. They're easy to add to your diet and can make a big difference in your health. Remember, small grains, big superpowers!
Order your Roasted Flax Seeds today!
Flaxseed for Postmenopausal women
- High cholesterol and LDL cholesterol are lowered, Reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Some Questions about Flax Seed
What amino acids are in flax seed?
This seed's range of Amino acids is Isoleucine, Tryptophan, Leucine, Threonine, and Lysine. Each one of these amino acids offers various benefits.
Tryptophan helps to create Serotonin, which helps in depression and mood sleep-related disorders like Insomnia.
Threonine in flax helps the cardiovascular, liver, central nervous, and immune systems.
It contains Isoleucine, which helps with haemoglobin.
o Leucine helps in controlling blood sugar levels, repairing and growing muscle tissues, including bones and skin,
o Lysine helps to make enzymes, antibodies, and hormones.
Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acids (ALA). Help you with cardiovascular disease. Reduce inflammation in blood arteries, lower risk of stroke.
Effect of Tridosha
As per Ayurveda, it Balances Vata Dosha and increases Pitta and Kapha.
Lower your risk of heart disease.
- It helps in lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It reduces the risk of heart attacks. The reverse hardening process of the blood vessels
It contains Calcium, Fiber, Manganese, Magnesium, phosphorus, Proteins, Potassium, Vitamins, and Thiamine.
One of the highly nutritious foods are Gluten-free and Non-Genetically Modified. Loaded with Antioxidants
Roasted Flaxseed benefits for cancer
A rich source of Lignans in this seed and a handful consumption of Roasted Flaxseed help to lower various cancer risks like
- Postmenopausal Breast cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Skin Cancer
Roasted Flaxseed is a very nutritious and valuable food in the fight against cancer. These tiny natural gift are very high in lignans secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), matairesinol, and SECO. Act as an anti-cancer supplement.
Women eating two tablespoons daily of Roasted Flaxseed can help their menstrual cycle hot flashes.
They are mixed into their juices, fruit, cereal, and yoghurt or consumed whole.
Flax Seeds called in India with different names like Linseeds, Kattan, aalshi, keten, lin, lin commun, huile de lin, and more,
Flax Seed Benefits for Weight Loss
- Nearly 30 grams of Roasted Flaxseed contains Carbs almost 29 per cent, with fibre from almost 27 per cent among those carbs. Roasted Flaxseed is a super-nutrient food with low carbs.
- These high-soluble fibre seeds can absorb up to 11 to 12 times its original weight. Consuming a handful of seeds (30 grams) reduces your appetite, With excellent nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
- These give you the feeling of fullness of your stomach, with slow absorption of your food helping you reduce your calories.
Flax Seeds Protein
- It contains an 18 per cent rich source of protein. It is the most favoured weight loss-friendly diet.
- A high protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibre content benefit your body.
Flax Seed a Vegan Diet
It is the best raw food with excellent protein structure without animal products in their Vegan diet. Its Macronutrient richness reduces hunger and food consumption by multiple time sacks.
These seeds are a nutritional vegan substitute for eggs, meat, and fish.
Flax Seed with fatty Acid Omega 3
- Vegan supplements
- Flax seed, Brussels Sprouts, and Walnuts are known for Fatty acids like Omega-3.
- Although Mackerel or Salmon are excellent additives for Omega 3, you can try these.
- Rich source of Omega 3 fatty acid Lignans in these seeds, and a handful of consumption of Roasted Flaxseed helps lower various cancer risks.
- One of the two essential fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), prevents depositing cholesterol from your heart's blood vessels.
Flax Seed Recipe
- With these, you will love this healthy gluten-free treat.
- Enjoy these as a snack, dessert, or breakfast.
- Flax seeds can be enjoyed as a full or ground to Juices, Oatmeal, smoothies, yoghurt, or even dusted on a salad as a dressing.
- Granola bars and energy bites with Cranberry pistachio roasted flaxseed are excellent breakfast recipes, as is coconut chia seed pudding with roasted Flaxseed. If you consume as a whole, they are a slightly crunchy and buttery diet. You can roast taste barely with mild black rock salt or as Oatmeal. You can prepare homemade vegan protein powder with this.
- Mango Yogurt smoothie
- Porridge with Banana apple Roasted Flaxseed is a delicious breakfast.
- You can combine chia with caraway, poppy seeds, sesame, and sunflower for baked goods like bread, cakes, and muffins. You can even crust over fish and meat fry.
- Drinks like Kokum flax seed drinks, energizing smoothies, and Mango Juice with flax seeds. Pineapple Chia seed and peer juice. It can be blended with Ginger Liquid Lemonade and Ginger Mango Lemonade.
How many Flax seeds per day
- A proper dosage suggested by doctors is 30 grams (nearly one and a half tablespoons of Flax seeds),
- Twice daily during breakfast
- If your fibre consumption is less, then there might be adverse effects on your digestion system.
Product Specification of Roasted Flaxseeds
- Non-Split, non-damaged
- Origin from India, Argentina, Bolivia, Israel, the United States, and México
- Less than 0.1 % of foreign bodies
- They look like golden brown seeds with a round to oval shape of 4 to 5 mm.
- If consumed in the right amount, these seeds' excellent healthcare benefits are enormous.
- The food is crispy, crunchy, and delicious.
- Standard Pack sizes
o Flax Seeds of 100 grams
o Flax Seeds of 250 grams
o Flax Seeds of 500 grams
o Flax Seeds of 1 Kg
- They contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals like copper, magnesium, and Lignans, and fatty acids like Omega 3, thiamine (vitamin B1), molybdenum, and phosphorus.
- A complete Gluten-free diet.
- Non-Genetically Modified (GMO): these have lower cholesterol and zero Trans fat for an active working lifestyle.
- It also satisfies your spicy snack cravings when you are hungry.
- It contains an amino acid that triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, encourages feelings of calm and serenity, and sometimes even helps with sleepiness.
- High dietary fibre content maintains good bowel movement.
- Insoluble fibre supports the removal of digestive waste from the body.
- It acts like a mild laxative, relieving natural bowel movement during constipation.
- The right amount of protein amount reduces the craving for food.
- Low-fat contents help with the risk or threat of heart disease.
- Lowering harmful LDL cholesterol is good for heart health.
- It helps Hair and Skin by applying a Hydrating Mask.
- It can significantly reduce the number of follicles in polycystic ovaries and ovarian volume.
- It may improve the menstrual cycles; hence, it helps supplement PCOS in Women with High fatty acids like Omega 3. It is useful during Women's periods or menstrual cycles.
- As per Ayurveda texts, roasted Flaxseed helps reduce Kapha dosha; it is an excellent remedy for coughing.
- A boiled concoction with roasted flaxseeds, chia seeds, basil, ginger, honey, lemon, and liquorice root (Jethimadh) is suitable for coughing.
- Healthy food for the complete family
Storage Information of Flax Seed
- Store it in a dry, cool place or a container.
- Pack in a clean, airtight container after opening the packaging.
Flax Seed during Pregnancy
- Doctors fear that eating flax seeds during pregnancy may have undesirable effects.
- Phytoestrogens in the seeds may act similarly to estrogen, a female sex hormone.
- However, it suggested limiting Roasted Flaxseed intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to Phytoestrogens in the seeds.
- Please consult your doctor.
Allergic Indication
- Please avoid Flax Seed if you have allergies.
- Consult a doctor before consuming this product.
- It is a well-tolerated food with unusual allergic symptoms; however, please drink plenty of water after consuming Roasted Flaxseed.