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Health Benefits / Alphonso mango nutrition

Alphonso Mango Benefits - AlphonsoMango.in

Alphonso Mango Benefits: A Complete Guide

Unveiling Alphonso Mango Benefits: Your Complete Guide

Alphonso mango, or hapus mango, is a popular and delicious variety grown in India. It is known for its sweet taste, juicy flesh, and vibrant yellow colour. Alphonso mangoes are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Alphonso Mangoes | Hapus mango Benefits

In the fifteenth century, a Portuguese general, Afonso De Albuquerque, grafted this plant in Local Ratnagiri and Devgad Mangos.

It has a wide range of Alphonso Mango benefits for overall health, like fibre content and Vitamin K.

It contains natural sugars, including fructose and sucrose. These sugars provide a quick and sustainable energy boost. It is suitable for the early stages of heart disease.

Vitamin C in this tropical fruit helps the production of white blood cells. It helps in the Digestion process with its fibre content.

For Mango Health

People use mangoes in jellies, jams, squash, cucumbers, and spices with a mango flavour.

What are the Alphonso mango health benefits?

Eating Alphonso mango benefits provides numerous health related benefits. They are rich in vitamins A and C, which boost immunity and promote healthy skin. They also contain dietary fibre, aids digestion, and antioxidants that help fight inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.

Alphonso Mango Benefits: A Tropical Treasure Trove of Health

Sunshine on your tongue, a burst of sweetness on your taste buds, and a lot of good for your body – meet the hapus, the undisputed king of fruits! This summer's crown jewel isn't just a delicious treat; it's a treasure trove of health benefits waiting to be discovered. 

Immune System Champion Mango Benefit

Fruit is full of vitamin C. These mangoes are like tiny superheroes, ready to battle free radicals and boost your immune system. They are a shield against coughs, colds, and other invaders, thus providing a healthy immune system.

Skin's Radiant Ally

Vitamin E, a friend of healthy skin, comes dancing alongside vitamin C in Alphonso mangos. This dynamic duo helps in collagen production, keeping your skin supple and glowing like a sun-kissed canvas with a natural glow are some of the Hapus aam benefits.

Heart's Happy Helper

Free radicals aren't just harmful to your skin. They can also threaten your heart's health. But fear not! Alphonso mangos, loaded with antioxidants, neutralize these villains, promoting heart health and protecting you from the risk of chronic diseases.

Digestive Delight

Are you feeling a bit sluggish? Alphonso mangos to the rescue! Their dietary fibre content acts like a gentle nudge, keeping your digestive system happy and regular. They are like tiny cheerleaders for your gut health!

Essential Vitamin Bonanza

Vitamins A, K, and a whole alphabet of other essential vitamins find their home in Alphonso mangoes. These tiny powerhouses are crucial in cell growth, eye health, blood clotting, and overall well-being. Think of them as your daily multivitamin, naturally delicious!

Beyond the Bite

The benefits of Alphonso mangoes go beyond just what happens in your mouth. Studies suggest they play a role in reducing the risk of certain cancers, promoting healthy blood sugar levels, and even protecting against oxidative stress.

Talk about a fruit with superpowers!

A Feast for All Senses

So let's raise a toast (a mango slice) to Alphonso mango benefits! They play a crucial role in a healthy diet and are a natural source of numerous health benefits, including supporting digestive health and promoting bowel regularity.

Bursting with flavour, these tropical fruits are packed with essential nutrients that promote overall well-being.

From the first juicy bite of this tropical delight to the happy sigh after your last slice, these Alphonso mango benefits are a gift from summer, waiting to be enjoyed. Incorporating this tropical delight, the tropical fruit hapus, into your daily routine can provide impressive health benefits, making it a valuable addition to a balanced and nutritious diet.

With its immune-boosting properties and ability to support digestion, the Hapus, the tropical fruit, offers many health boosts, including promoting a healthy digestive system and bowel regularity.

Plus, the juicy flesh and sweet flavour of a ripe Hapus make it a delightful treat.

Hapus is an excellent source of dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and promotes bowel regularity by adding bulk to your stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract and preventing constipation.

The fibre content in Hapus aam also supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Remember, hapus are a seasonal treat, gracing our tables from February to June. So, when mango season arrives, embrace the king of fruits! Savour its sweetness, soak in its sunshine, and let its health benefits work their magic.

After all, who knew a single fruit could be so delicious, good for you, and so much fun? Conquer your mango season with a healthy dose of sunshine and taste bud ecstasy.

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Depending on the region, mangoes are also known as Mangot, mango, mango.

Ripe Alphonso mangos have a sweet and flowery taste.

Many varieties also have a citrusy flavor.

Benefits of Mango for Eye

You probably equate Hapus fruits with a sweet, delicious taste.

But do you know that Alphonso's fruit also relates to health?

In addition to the delightful taste of mangos, plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants ensure good health. 

You can enjoy cubed mangos; add them to your smoothies, salads, and drinks. Anticancer potentials are found in mangoes.

Mango Facial Benefits

They also help to reduce the growth of cancer cells. A study suggests that Haden and Alphonso show high chemopreventive activity.

Hapus contains lupeol, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies indicate that lupeol helps stimulate apoptosis, thus helping to fight prostate cancer. 

Mango Health Benefits

Delicious Alphonso mangos can help you replace junk food. Mixing mangos in other dishes is one of the easiest ways to curb obesity.

Less than one cup of hapus (150 grams) contains about 86 calories. Hapus contain starch, which converts sugar and helps in weight loss.

A Mango milkshake will speed up weight loss because it contains milk's sugar, fats, and proteins. And it's enjoyable! 

Alphonso Mangos are rich in iron, which makes them helpful for people with anaemia.

Chinese medicine prescribes a tonic, yin tonic, used to treat anaemia, bleeding gums, coughs, constipation, nausea, fever, seasickness, and a weak digestive system.

Alphonso Mangos are beneficial for pregnant women, given their iron content. Doctors often prescribe pregnancy vitamins or iron pills, which hapus can replace during pregnancy. 

Reduce the rash. Mangos are considered a homemade herbal remedy for acne. Opening the skin's pores is the most effective way to treat acne.

Applying a moisturizer over the skin can open up pores that are attached to the skin. Once these pores are opened, the pimples will eventually stop.

Hapus Aam is indeed a blessing!

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Mango a Day Keep Doctor Away - AlphonsoMango.in

Mango a Day Keep Doctor Away

Mango a Day Keeps Doctor Away

Fruits are an indispensable component of a healthy diet, pivotal in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Abundant in vitamins, minerals, and fibre, fruits contribute to various health benefits, including strengthening our immune system and enhancing digestive health.

Incorporating fruits into our daily meals and snacks is a simple yet effective step towards achieving optimal health.

These nutritional gems are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre, collectively contributing to various health benefits.

From boosting immunity to supporting digestive health, fruits are nature's way of providing us with the essential building blocks for a healthy lifestyle.

Whether savoured in their fresh, frozen, or dried forms, incorporating fruits into your daily meals and snacks is an uncomplicated yet powerful step toward achieving optimal health.

The saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away is popular in the health and wellness industry. However, mango is another tropical fruit that merits equal recognition for its potential health benefits.

Characterized by their vibrant colour, succulent flesh, and sweet aroma, they are both a delectable treat and a nutritional powerhouse capable of significantly promoting overall well-being.

Incorporating them into your daily diet can provide numerous health benefits. Embark on a journey to discover these benefits and experience the transformative power of nature's bounty.

We trust the calories, Sugar, and proteins from processed foods like biscuits, noodles, and other foods not of Indian Origin.

Buy mangoes fruit

Upon contemplating the inclusion of fruits in our diets, we often embark on a journey of meticulous evaluation, delving into the complexities of calorie counts, protein content, mineral profiles, and vitamin compositions, carefully assessing each fruit option.

How do I compare?

Are these Mangoes good for me?

Mango is a Local fruit for us in India.   

Mango Mania: Unveiling the Nutritional Secrets Endorsed by Top Nutritionists

Nutritionist Jasleen Kaur - Mango is a fat, salt-free fruit and, of course, cholesterol-free; hence, it is a super fruit for summer.

As per Rujuta Diwekar Mango Kaho aur khane do.

Mangoes containing phytic acid can be soaked in water for 30 minutes before consumption to reduce the excessive phytic acid and cool the temperature.

Mangoes have nutrient that expedites fat-burning actions.

Is Mango Good for Diabetes?

There is one question generally asked by diabetic patients or their relatives.

Is Mango Safe for People With Diabetes?

Most dietary recommendations India's leading nutrition and exercise science experts, like Rujuta Diwekar, suggest for people with diabetes. She recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables like mango you can eat in a plenty but controlled manner.

Mango Online Mumbai

If you see multiple nutrition guidelines, it is generally recommended that people with diabetes consume two to four servings of fruit daily without skipping other meals or roti.  

As per some people's myths, they restrict the number of fruits like mangoes they eat. There might be multiple reasons they are worried about the sugar content in this and various fruits.

However, numerous clinical studies and research by researchers prove that when Sugar. 

Consumed from whole fruit, Mangoes have minimal effect on blood sugar levels. 

Mango Fiber Content

Alphonso has a good range of fibre dietary fibre, which slows the absorption and digestion of Sugar and helps improve overall blood sugar control.

The fibre in this fruit can also lower insulin resistance, which could assist guards in fighting type 2 diabetes.  

Fruits also include polyphenols that improve blood sugar control (39Trusted source, 40Trusted).

Moreover, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables has been linked with lower levels of oxidative stress and inflammation in people with diabetes (41Trusted source).

It is said that not all fruits are born equally. A couple of them raise blood sugar more than others, and people with diabetes are well-advised to check their blood sugar levels after eating to figure out which foods they should limit.

Nutrition facts about mango:

Mangoes are a tasty, sweet, and tangy tropical fruit. It is from the family of Mangifera Indica, a drupe fruit. 

King of Fruits and King of Mangoes is a single-seeded fruit. Mangoes are classified among widely consumed fruits Globally.

A tasty Alphonso Mango is one of the most Nutritious, healthy fruits known globally.

The average mango, let's say, is nearly 200 grams. When peeled, cut, deseeded, and sliced, one Mango serving is equivalent to almost ~1 cup of sliced Alphonso, approximately 110 to 120 grams. Each Mangoes serving is sodium-free, cholesterol-free, and fat-free.

Mango Calories – Calories in one Mango

One complete Alphonso with seed, peel, and the inner flesh is approximately 186 calories.

But the same calories, if you consider it with actual flesh or cubes cut in Alphonso, is 66 calories. 

How Many Calories per person are required?

The recommended daily calorie intake is 2,100 for individuals living in urban areas and 2,400 for those in rural areas.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recommends per person per day calorie.

The general minimum requirement per day per person calorie norm is 1800 kcal as per FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization for both rural and urban populations.

Fat in Mango

The total fat in Alphonso is 0.4 gm. It is among those foods which is 82.9% of water.

It makes your stomach fill without increasing the fat level. It has fewer fats compared to other summer fruits.

The majority of fat found in such foods is monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat. These are healthy forms of fat.

As per Ayurveda, you should eat seasonal fruits, preferably local fruits, which are always better than imported ones.

Mango Cholesterol Level – Foods that lower cholesterol

It Contains 0 mg of cholesterol, so if you consume Mangoes daily, it will also help you regulate your cholesterol levels.

Mango Cholesterol

It contains an extraordinary amount of digestive fibre pectin, which helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol, Lowers LDL cholesterol), which reduces plaque-causing in the blood vessels and clears blocks in blood flow.

Sodium in Mango

Sodium content is shallow, nearly 1 mg, which is much less than your required sodium intake as per WHO is 2,000 mg (means 2 grams); compared with other fruits, it is less than all.

Hence, it contains minimal sodium, corresponding to other fruits.

Potassium in Mango

A Fruit, which is full of potassium, reduces high blood pressure. One cup of Mangoes slices includes 168 mg of potassium, nearly 4% of the required daily value. It contains lower potassium than other fruits. 

It helps to maintain hair growth. Which is a healthier option than excessive potassium?

Potassium helps your muscles contract. It is also essential for transmitting nerve impulses.

Your blood quantity increases by nearly 50 per cent during your pregnancy, so you might require extra electrolytes like potassium, chloride, and sodium working together, keeping the excess fluid in an appropriate chemical balance during pregnancy.  

Carbohydrates in Mango

Carbohydrates in this are higher if you consider them individually. But when you feel 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day, Hapus, you eat nearly ~10% of the required daily value for carbohydrates.

If you think in another way, Carbohydrates are your fuel tank or your body's principal energy source.

They help supply energy to your muscles, central nervous system, kidneys, heart, and brain.

For example, carbohydrate like fibre helps the digestive system and promotes a healthy Gut. It also makes you feel your stomach full and controls blood cholesterol levels.

Dietary Fibre in Mango

It is a carbohydrate or carbs that we cannot digest using the enzymes in our bodies.

It is abundant in fruits like Hapus and vegetables, cereals, fruits, nuts, grains, and lentils.

Fibre is clustered by its physical qualities, which are called as

  • Soluble
  • Insoluble or resistant starch

Insoluble fibre doesn't dissolve in water.

It is a low-calorie fruit. Phytochemicals and dietary fibre help bowel movement and are a natural laxative for constipation. It contains 1.6 gm of dietary fibre.

As per a study by Texas A&M University, those suffering from chronic constipation who are supplemented with Hapus have more relief in constipation and diarrhoea as it has a considerable amount of water and dietary fibre in the fruit.

With digestive dietary fibre, the water of nearly 82.9% and digestive enzymes aid multiple aspects of digestive health and promote gut health.

How Much Sugar in Mango?

King of the fruit is a sweet fruit with a high level of natural Sugar. Hapus is nearly 14 gm of naturally occurring Sugar for cutting sliced 100 gm cubes of its flesh.

Ripened Alphonso mango fruit is a significant source of sugars (sucrose, glucose, and fructose).

The ripened Hafoos fruit flesh cubes contain nearly 14% of total sugars, which comprises of

  • Sucrose: 7.12 gm
  • Glucose:2.08 gm
  • Fructose: 4.82 gm

Research has shown that you have reduced blood glucose levels and increased insulin levels with Alfonso.

Some people who have diabetes think that they should not eat Hapus fruit because it contains a high level of Sugar, which is 14 gm.

However, eating mangoes moderately will be beneficial because mangoes contain multiple vitamins, nutrients, and minerals with dietary fibre, which helps you in summer.

If consumed in moderation, mangoes are a healthful fruit added to your diet in the case of Diabetic patients.

Mangoes' glycemic score is 51–56 on the glycemic index (GI) chart, similar to the orange juice glycemic index.

Mango Protein Content

It contains collagen proteins, nearly 0.82 gm. It acts slower in natural ageing, which protects bodily connective tissue and blood vessels. It also gives structure to your bouncy hair and glowing skin.

Collagen helps your skin radiance bounce and battle wrinkles and flabby hanging skin. Compared to other summer fruits, It has the right level of protein.

It comprises enzymes that help in breaking down protein.

Mango Vitamin

It is a Vitamin and mineral-rich fruit. It contains multiple vitamins that help your body during summer.

Mango Vitamins A

Alphonso Mangoes contains nearly Vitamin A of 1082 IU, which is 324.6 mcg. It is almost 46 % of the required daily value of Vitamin A, which is abundant in hapush.

Mangoes have abundant beta-carotene, which assists in making Vitamin A. It helps boost eye health and prevents age-related vision loss or macular degeneration.

Vitamin A in Mangoes acts like an antioxidant; it helps to improve your vision. It also helps in glowing skin radicles and skin repair.

Those who consume mangoes in moderation also help eliminate dead pores and exfoliate the skin.

Mangoes are called Vision and Skin Friendly.

Mango Beta Carotene

One serving of Hafoos contains 640 μg of beta carotene, and the human body transforms beta carotene into vitamin A (retinol).

Beta carotene is a prototype of vitamin A. Our body needs vitamin A for the immune system, mucus membranes, and healthy skin. It also helps the excellent vision of the eye and health.

Antioxidants in this help to repair damage to the body caused by free radicals, which can lead to a range of health problems, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, 

Skin Cancer Foundation of the USA always suggests adding a diet high in beta-carotene content, which can help protect against skin cancer.

Lutein and zeaxanthin in mangoes

Mangoes contain 23 μg of Lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential carotenoid antioxidants produced by fruits with a yellow to reddish hue colour on the skin, which helps with multiple benefits to the human body. 

These carotenoids are a part of your eye's macula, which is a part of your retina; they are rich in cells that detect light and colour and are well known for protecting eyesight. It also helps migraine sufferers as it has anti-inflammatory effects.

Mango Vitamin 

It is rich in multiple vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C, K, and E, which are very helpful to your body besides its taste.

Thiamine in mango – Vitamin B1

It contains 0.028 mg, nearly 2% of your daily required values.

It helps energy-boosting and supply to the body. It arranges the activity of muscles and nerves, which support proper heart function.

Riboflavin in Mango – Vitamin B2

Riboflavin, also called Vitamin B2 nutrients, could be a Vegan option for vitamin B2. Riboflavin helps heal body wounds heal faster. It contains 0.038 mg, 3% of the daily required value.

Mumbai Mango

It promotes your baby's growth, healthy skin, and good vision during pregnancy. It is also essential for your baby's nerve, muscle, and bone development.

Niacin – Vitamin B3

It contains 0.669 mg, nearly 4 % of the daily required value. Niacin in Hafoos can help enhance levels of good HDL, removing the bad cholesterol (LDL) from your body to the liver for the filtration process and lowering triglycerides. Niacin also lowers bad LDL cholesterol.

That niacin in Alphonso helps in bodybuilding, which induces muscle fibre shift from type II to type I and raises the number of type 1 fibres in skeletal fibres.

Pantothenic acid – Vitamin B5

Hapus contain 0.197 mg, nearly 4% of the required daily value. It helps structure stress-related and sex hormones and red blood cells.

It helps support a healthy digestive tract, Processes other vitamins in the body, particularly B2 (riboflavin), and helps synthesize cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 fruits

Vitamin B6 in Hapus is 0.119 mg, nearly 9% of the required daily value. It helps in the Cognitive development and immunity function of our body. 

With normal nerve function, It helps support and fit blood sugar levels. It helps in keeping healthy blood sugar levels. It helps to make the haemoglobin body. That holds oxygen in tissues and red blood cells, an incomplete body.

Vitamin B6 during pregnancy may help reduce vomiting and nausea feelings during pregnancy.

Folic Acid in Mango – Folate – Vitamin B9

Hapus contains abundant Vitamin B₉ or Vitamin B9 – 43 μg, which is 11%, also known as Folic acid, folate, and folacin, which are classified among B vitamins, is a dietary supplement. 

Alphonso Mango in Mumbai

Sufficient intake of Vitamin B 9 is essential during pregnancy periods, childhood, and teenage. It helps transform carbohydrates into energy and makes RNA and DNA.

It helps with depression. Low blood scales of folate could be highly possible depression. They may not respond as well to care with antidepressants with normal folate levels.

Folate is classified among B vitamins, which are required to prepare white and red blood cells within the bone marrow.

Mangoes treat anaemia during pregnancy due to the right amount of folate.

Choline in Mango

It contains Choline 7.6 mg, nearly 2% of the daily required value. It is an essential nutrient to maintain human health. It helps brain cells function.

The choline nutrient in this is also necessary for cell membrane structure in the mother's womb, allowing for the healthy development of a baby before birth.

Mango Vitamin C

It is full of Vitamin C. It is 36.4 mg, nearly 44% of the total required value, even higher than Apple and Watermelon.

Vitamin C benefits during pregnancy

Vitamin C benefits from absorbing iron

Vitamin C benefits acne.

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Vitamin C benefits the body

Vitamin C benefits bodybuilding.

Vitamin C benefits for eyes

Vitamin C benefits for the face

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Vitamin C benefits producing more disease-fighting white blood cells

Vitamin C benefits for skin

Vitamin C benefits skin bounce.

Vitamin C benefits teeth

Vitamin C benefits weight loss

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is essential for developing and growing body tissues.

It plays a crucial role in various functions, such as iron absorption, collagen formation, wound healing, and immune system building.

Additionally, it is vital for maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and cartilage. Mangoes containing Vitamin C can improve the skin's defence mechanism, promote healthy hair and skin, and contribute to overall well-being.

Vitamin E in Mango Fruit

It contains Vitamin E. Adding this tropical fruit to your diet helps build immunity. It is 0.9 mg, nearly 6% of the required daily value. Which helps build immunity levels and is a good source of antioxidants.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is 4.2 μg, 4% of the required daily value. It is instrumental in regulating blood calcium levels, bone metabolism, and blood clotting.

Minerals in Mango

It is a vibrant fruit not only in taste but also in abundant natural Minerals and vitamins. It contains calcium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, and more.

Mango Calcium reach foods

Calcium in Hapus is 11 mg, which is nearly 1% of the daily required value. Calcium in mangoes helps healthy teeth, muscles, and bones. It also helps manage blood pressure.

It helps to raise calcium and iron during pregnancy; lactation, breastfeeding, and menopause are essential. It helps to regulate age-related teeth, health, muscle, and bone resorption.

Hapus is among those fruits and vegetables high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, sometimes called calcium wale fruit.

Copper in Mango

It contains 0.110 mg of copper, nearly 12% of the daily required value, higher than any other summer fruit. Copper helps the human body to maintain blood vessels, the health of your bones, and the nervous system.

It acts like a natural, tasty copper supplement. That's why it is called a superfruit.

Iron-rich fruits – Mango

Iron in Hapus is 0.16 mg, 1 % of the daily required value.

Comprising universal energy and focus, it helps maintain many critical roles in the body and gastrointestinal processes, build the immune system, and help regulate body temperature.

It is rich in iron; people with anaemia are advised to eat mangoes regularly. Pregnant and Menopausal women can indulge in tasty Hapus.

It helps increase their blood calcium levels with iron levels at the same time.

Magnesium Rich foods

Hapus contains 10mg of magnesium, nearly 3% of the daily required value. Magnesium helps regulate muscle function, including heart muscle function, which helps maintain a healthy rhythm.

Manganese in Mango

Hapus is rich in Manganese with 0.063 mg and nearly 3 % of the daily required value. As you know, our human body cannot produce Manganese. It is a good antioxidant and improves bone health.

Manganese plays a vital role in minimizing inflammation. It also helps in blood clotting and healing wounds. It supports Bone health. It may help in lowering blood sugar.

Phosphorous in Mango

Phosphorous in tropical fruit is nearly 2%, 14 mg of the required daily value. It helps build healthy teeth, reduces muscle pain during exercise, and makes healthy bones.

Potassium in Mango

Potassium is 168 mg and 4% of the daily required value. Potassium in Hafoos is a vital nutrient that helps to maintain body fluid levels and electrolyte balance.

Hapus may help with hypertension (high blood pressure), fatigue, and irritability.

How much potassium is in Hapus, which helps you maintain a steady pulse and relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure levels?

It contains potassium and magnesium, along with the antioxidant mangiferin. The combination of all this helps support healthy heart function.

Selenium Benefits in Mango

It contains 0.67 mcg, 1.4% of the daily required value. Selenium deficiency is rare worldwide the antioxidant mineral Selenium is found in mangoes. 

This antioxidant mineral helps protect your body from free radicals, which damage healthy cells and break down cell walls.

Selenium is an Antioxidant mineral that neutralizes free radicals so they stop damaged cells.

Benefits of Zinc in Mango

Zinc in Hapus is 0.09 mg, which is nearly 1 % of the required daily value.

It helps the healthy immune system and health, improves acne symptoms, reduces inflammation, correctly synthesizes DNA, reduces your risk of age-related diseases, treats diarrhoea, speeds wound healing, and promotes healthy growth in children.

The Bottom Line

It is rich in Multiple minerals, antioxidants, and a group of vitamins, Which is well associated with multiple health benefits. It improves your immunity level and helps even with potential anticancer effects.

It is the best natural supplement for health benefits for the eye, hair, heart, digestive, and skin.

It helps in gaining weight as well as losing weight. It is also a natural supplement for post-workout or post-gym foods. 

On top of it is a tasty delight for your taste buds and fussy eaters, which helps you easily add to your diet as part of smoothies and multiple dishes in multiple cuisines.

These are our views as per Internet and Book research. Please discuss this with your doctor before doing any activity.

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Mango for Diabetes

Mango for diabetes a tasty fruit myths

Mango for diabetes a tasty fruit myths

Alphonso Mango is a tropical fruit that serves your taste buds with its taste, aroma, and flavor. It also serves your health with vitamins, calcium, and minerals.

Diabetes is a condition that affects millions of people globally. Its management is crucial to prevent the progression of the disease and associated complications.

While there is no cure for diabetes, people with this condition can manage their symptoms by making lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and eating a healthy diet in daily food. Researchers have recently explored the potential benefits of consuming them in diabetes management.

It is a delicious fruit and an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. We want to run you through mango for diabetes and explore the benefits, risks, and precautions associated with consuming these amazing fruit for people with diabetes.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease marked by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. The hormone insulin regulates the glucose level in the blood. In diabetes, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin or is unable to use insulin effectively. 

There are two main types of diabetes: 

  • Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which your body attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin. 
  • Type 2 Diabetes results from insulin resistance, where the body cannot use insulin effectively.

Mango For Diabetics

Today, diabetes has become a global issue. Many people across the globe have diabetes. With the rise of this disease, there is a rise in questions about what one should eat. It is commonly believed that mangoes aren't something people with diabetes eat. Many people with the disease are asked not to eat this tropical fruit.

But little do they know about the benefits of these tasty fruit, especially for diabetes. Some fruits contain more sugar than others, It is also one such fruit. But it contains multiple nutrients, minerals, calcium, and Vitamins with antioxidants and dietary fibers. 

This tropical fruit is packed with natural sugar. Natural sugar is less harmful to everyone, not those who have diabetes than artificial sugar.

Thus, people with diabetes should not avoid eating fruit, especially mangoes.

Mango is Good for Diabetes

Alphonso Mango is good for diabetes. This fruit does not harm blood sugar.

A serving of fruit contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, the number of carbohydrates your body needs daily.

The size of this fruit varies between 175 gm to 385 gms. Your meal is decided by the carbs, not the fruit's size.

Mango for Diabetes Patients

Who doesn't enjoy eating such delicious fruit? But many people with diabetes miss this lovely fruit because of a myth.

Many people think that this fruit is loaded with sugar. But many don't realize that this sugar is natural.

This fruit contains dietary fibers, which aid digestion. This dietary fiber also makes your gut healthy.

Mango Diabetes

Some enzymes in this fruit combine with the dietary fibers and even lowers colon cancer risk. 

Antioxidants are essential to flush out toxic substances from our bodies. They even keep cancer away.

This fruit shields the retina of your eyes. It improves vision and shields the eyes from damage caused by age.

This delicious fruit contains calcium and vitamin D. These elements strengthen your bones.

Benefits of Eating Mangoes as Superfood for Diabetes

There are several benefits to eating mangoes for people with diabetes, including:

  1. Low Glycemic Index

They have a low glycemic index of 51, which means they are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar levels. It makes them a good choice for people with diabetes, as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent dangerous spikes.

      2. The sugar content of mango

They are naturally sweet fruit that contains sugar. The sugar content of it can vary depending on the variety. But on average, 100 grams of mango flesh contains approximately 14 grams of sugar. At the same time, it contain natural sugars(glucose, fructose, and sucrose). It is important for people with diabetes to monitor their sugar intake and balance it with other foods in their diet. Additionally, it is always important to remember that consuming too much fruit or other sweet fruit can still increase blood sugar levels.

     3. High in Fiber

They are a good source of fiber, which helps slow down glucose absorption into the bloodstream. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing dangerous spikes and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

    4. Rich in Antioxidants

They are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body against oxidative stress, inflammation, and other factors contributing to diabetes and other chronic diseases.

    5. Good Source of Vitamins and Minerals

This amazing tasty fruit is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, A, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for maintaining good health and managing diabetes.


Many studies point out that aam contains bioactive materials such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and many more.

Studies indicate that these elements help reduce insulin resistance in the body. As a result, sugar levels in the body reduce.

The fruit also helps balance plasma glucose, body fat, and lipid. 

Mango Leaves for Diabetes

Did you know that mango leaves are a cure for diabetes? The shiny, lush green leaves provide lots of health benefits.

Make a special tea made out of the leaves. Boil some leaves in 200 to 250 ml water.

Let the tea reduce to half. Drink some the next morning. Store it in a copper vessel.

This tea recipe has been many of grandmamma's health secrets for ages.

Common myths about mango

High in sugar and calories. Famous dietician Rutuja Diwekar advocates that one should not avoid fruits because of their sugar content.

Fruits contain fructose, a simple sugar that usually does not lead to weight gain.

Mangoes have a high Glycemic Index (GI)

The average Glycemic index of mangoes is around 56. It falls on the shallow end of the scale.

People battling diabetes and obesity should avoid eating aam (Mango), the king of fruits. Wrong! Everyone should eat aam. But you should maintain a balance.

Balance is essential not only for fruits but also for all things in life.

Aam has many health benefits, but you should eat only a few.

The truth -

  1. It is a storehouse of nutrients.
  2. It is low in the glycemic index.
  3. For its rich nutrients, fibers, antioxidants, and many such healthy nutrients.
  4. It is for all. Your age, weight, and illness are not important at all.

As per Rujuta Diwekar, when it comes to Alphonso Mango, it is "Khao aur khane do" (Eat and let others eat).

Source Credit : Dr. Rujuta Diwekar


This fruit comes with abundant vitamins and minerals. Many are worried because of the calorie content of the fruit.

They worry that the fruit may lead to weight gain or a surge in blood sugar levels.

Those with type 2 diabetes are more worried that the sugar in the fruit may increase blood glucose levels.

There is a chance that the fruit may, but only if a balance is not sought.

Regarding this fruit, 'One day at a time; One piece at a time should be used.

This fruit is beneficial for those with low sugar and blood pressure.

A Mango milkshake can quickly help balance blood pressure or sugar but not increase cholesterol.

Mango and Immunity

Does mango add to my immunity? The answer is a huge YES!

It is packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Vitamin C helps build the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells.

Thus, those with colds or viral flu should have this fruit because it contains vitamin C.

It is key to fighting infections because the body doesn't store or produce it.

The fruit contains carotenoids. A carotenoid is an element that keeps cancer away from you.

It shields your body from the damage caused by toxins. Thus, aam can help you keep cancer at bay!

The best part about this fruit is how easy it is to have!

Enjoy this delectable fruit before the season runs out!

Read more
Alphonso Mangoes Nutrition Facts - Mango Calories