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Mango Leaves Tea

By Prashant Powle  •  0 comments

Mango Leaves Tea

Mango Leaves Tea

Mango leaves tea has many benefits that most people don't know. Juicy mangoes are available in summer.

However, the tree leaves are found throughout the year and are helpful in treating various ailments.

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Mango leaves tea, a unique feature of mango leaves, is full of medicinal properties. The following are some benefits of mango leaves.

The tender leaves of the mango tree are full of tannins called anthocyanidins, which are sugar-free parts of common plant pigments that may help treat early Diabetes. 

The leaves are dried and powdered or used as a decoction to treat the same. 

It helps to treat Diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, natural blood glucose regulator, and diabetic peripheral angiopathy

Benefits of Mango Tea

Mango leaf tea can help treat diabetes and regulate high blood pressure by strengthening weakened arteries.

Mango Leaves Tea

 For people having anxiety issues, mango-leaf tea is an organic relaxant.

Mango leaf tea for bad breath

Bad breath or Halitosis prevents you from going to a social, as your mouth stinks and gives a wrong impression in public.

 Mango leaf tea is the right solution for lousy breath. It is a decoction that can help relieve bad breath. You can take it twice a day or gargle it with mango tea.  

Mango Leaf tea for varicose veins

Make mango leaves tea by boiling mango leaves in water to eliminate varicose veins and other diseases.

Mango leaf ash helps to heal the wound quickly. Its ashes are also used to treat gum problems and brush them. 

Mango leaves are also beneficial for asthma, gum pain, and appendicitis.

Mango leaf tea for weight loss 

In some research by a scientist, it was observed that making a mango leaf decoction or extract can help reduce the level of body fat deposits, and the adiponectin protein in mango leaves helps reduce fat in the body.

Mango leaf diabetes

With its taste and excellent aroma, Mango tea can help lower triglyceride levels, which in turn help manage blood sugar levels; hence, it is best for Diabetes.

Mango Leaf Tea, prepared from mango leaf or extracts decoctions, helps increase glucose distribution in the body and improves body insulin production. 

It can be the best natural Blood sugar regulator or stabiliser for your blood sugar levels.

Mango leaves are abundantly rich in multiple nutrients and minerals, such as copper, dietary fibre, potassium, pectin, and magnesium, as well as Vitamins A and C.

Mango leaves are whole of healing and medicinal properties.

Some other benefits of mango leaves:

  • It is helpful in treating speech loss of Voice(aphonia).
  • It helps treat oral health problems.
  • It helps treat diarrhoea.

How to make mango leaf tea?

How to make mango leaves tea - mango leaf tea recipe

Mango leaves are initially soft and red or arranged. However, as they grow, they turn dark green. You can use fresh and dried mango leaves for mango tea.

Take 8-10 pieces of mango leaves and boil in two glasses of water.

Remove unwanted items using a filter. Serve with a dash of honey and lemon.

Preparation of magical tea for weight loss and Diabetes:

  1. Take 12-16 mango leaves in one litre of the water pan.
  2. Boil for 4-5 minutes and add honey to taste if required.
  3. Wash this tea and drink it in the early morning and evening before your meal.

Please consult your doctor before starting any of the above. It is a home remedy as per Bhavaprakasha, an Ayurvedic text, and available over the Internet.  

Mango Tea Side Effects

As such, no noted side effects are available.

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