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Why mango is called king of fruits - AlphonsoMango.in

Why mango is called king of fruits

Mango Fruit Mastery: A Complete Guide 

Mango Fruit is a tasty fruit that grows in warm places. It is sweet and very good for you. It has many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help improve your health.

People all over the world look forward to mango Fruit season. They want to enjoy its tasty juiciness.

Some health benefits of the fruit are better digestion, healthier skin, a lower chance of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, and a stronger immune system.

Many people love mango fruit. This is not surprising because it has a unique flavour and several health benefits.

Why is mango a king of fruits

The title "King of Fruit" for any fruit depends on several factors. These factors include taste, nutritional value, cultural importance, color, size, and availability.

What is the king of fruits, and why is it called that?

The Amrafal is known as the king of fruits. This name comes from its great taste, strong smell, and many health benefits. Many cultures see mangoes as a sign of wealth and plenty. This belief adds to their status as the king of fruits.

King of Fruits in India

The Aam is the best mangoes in India and Indonesia. This fruit is loved by many because of its sweet and juicy taste. People also enjoy using it in different recipes. Mangoes grow in many places, and each area has its special type.

India has many tasty mangoes. They include the well-known Alphonso mangoes from Maharashtra and the Himsagar mangoes from West Bengal.

The best time to enjoy mangoes is usually from May to July. However, people eat mangoes all year long in different ways. They like mango juice, chutney, pickles, and meals that use spices to make their taste better.

Ratnagiri Hapus Mango Fruit

Devgad Alphonso Mango Fruit

Alphonso Mango Fruit

Kesar Aam Online

Alphonso Mango King of Mango

Alphonso Mango fruit is often called the King of Mangoes. This mango fruit is popular because of its rich aroma and sweet taste. It has a creamy texture that many people enjoy. While it started in India, Alphonso mangoes are now grown in several parts of the world.

They are popular in the summer when they are fresh. People look forward to their arrival to taste their unique flavour.

Alphonso mangoes are very popular in fruit sorbets and smoothies. Their creamy golden-red flesh makes them a favourite among mango fruit lovers.

The sweetness of Alphonso mangoes is really loved. It is like the sweetness that Sanskrit poets thought mango buds give to the voice.

What are the health benefits of eating mango fruit?

Mango fruit is a fruit that has many health benefits. It is full of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

This vitamin helps improve the immune system and supports healthy skin. Mangoes also have antioxidants and fiber, which are good for digestion and general wellness. Enjoy this king of fruits as a tasty and healthy snack!

The Mango King of Fruits: A Fruity King with Superpowers! Nutritional Benefits

Have you ever heard of a tasty and healthy fruit that has a crown? Yes, that’s right! This tropical fruit is special; it is known as the king of the fruit kingdom. But what makes it so special to have this fancy title?

Let's take a look inside its juicy center and find out its secret powers:

Vitamin C Champion

Imagine a shield that keeps you safe from illness – that’s what it does! And the best part?

It is filled with amazing power! One bite strengthens your body, helping you stay fit and battle those annoying germs. It’s like having a small army of Vitamin C soldiers ready to protect you!

Fiber Fiesta for Digestion 

Ever feel hungry after a snack? You won’t feel that way with Alphonso! It is full of fibre. Think of it as a small broom that cleans your stomach.

It keeps you feeling full for a longer time and helps with digestion. There will be no more stomach growls before lunch when you have mango as your snack!

Vitamin A Superstar

Vitamin A is like a superhero for your eyes. It helps you see better in the dark. Think of it as a tiny flashlight. It keeps your vision strong and healthy. So, when you read at night, grab some Vitamin A. It’s nature’s way to help you see better!

Antioxidant Avengers

Think of superoxides as little bad guys that can make you unwell. But tropical fruit Alphonso has a special tool – antioxidants! These include quercetin and mangiferin. They are like superheroes that fight off the bad guys and help keep your body healthy and joyful.

Digestive Doctor Mango is the King of Fruits

Sometimes, our stomachs need some extra care. Luckily, they have special enzymes. These enzymes work like little doctors. They help break down food and make sure everything runs smoothly. With a mango doctor at work, tummy problems are a thing of the past!

Cholesterol Superhero Mango Fruit

Mangoes can help lower cholesterol. Using them regularly can give good results. They contain antioxidants such as quercetin and mangiferin. These antioxidants combat harmful free radicals that can block your arteries. Additionally, the fiber in mangoes helps to clear cholesterol from your blood vessels.

C Vitamin helps increase good cholesterol. Mangoes may not be a magic solution, but they can really help your cholesterol levels! They are also rich in potassium, which is important for keeping your blood pressure in check.

One of the primary reasons the mango is crowned "King of Fruits" is its delightful ability to tantalize the taste buds with its sweetness and unique flavor profile.

Beyond mere pleasure, this rich fruit boasts high amounts of potassium and high amount of fibre, contributing to overall health and aiding digestion. Regular practice of this method helps improve your digestion.

The regular practice of including mangoes in your diet can yield positive results, thanks to their impressive nutrition value. Their glutamine acid content supports brain health, while the generous dose of C Vitamin helps boost immunity.

With mangoes providing a whopping 76 per cent of the daily minimum C Vitamin intake, it's easy to see why they're a royal addition to any fruit bowl!

Bonus Superpowers with King of Fruits Mango

  • Immunity Booster: C Vitamin and antioxidants team up. They help keep you strong and protected from getting sick.
  • Brain Builder: Antioxidants support your brain. They help it grow and learn new things, like training for your mind!
  • Glowing Skin Guru: C Vitamin and antioxidants keep your skin healthy and radiant. It's like a natural beauty treatment from within!
  • Tummy Friend: Fiber is great for your tummy. It helps things move smoothly, so no more grumpy rumbles with tropical fruit!
  • Low Glycemic Index: Low Glycemic Index (GI) is 51. GI shows how fast food raises blood sugar. Foods with a lower GI, like mangoes (GI 51-56), raise blood sugar slower. This helps avoid blood sugar spikes, which is good for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

So, the next time you see a yellow tropical fruit, remember it's not just any fruit. It's a king with special powers!

And with all these great benefits, it's easy to see why the King of Fruit has its crown.

So, grab one. Take a bite. Enjoy the magic of the king of fruits!

Why Mango is Called the King of Fruits

The mango is a tasty and juicy fruit. It is called the "King of Fruits" because many people love it. Its sweet taste and bright color make it popular. The mango is full of important nutrients. Its soft flesh and nice smell please the senses. This gives fruit lovers all over the world a wonderful experience.

Mango: A Multifaceted Gem

The mango is more than just a tasty fruit. It has many health benefits too. Mangoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and good compounds called antioxidants.

These can help make you feel good and stay healthy. A lot of vitamin C in mangoes helps boost your immunity. The vitamin A in mangoes is good for your eyes and helps with skin repair. Mangoes also have fibre, which is helpful for digestion. They contain digestive enzymes that promote gut health.

Mango is known as the "king of the fruits." This is because it offers many benefits. It has high levels of vitamins C and A, along with 25 different kinds of carotenoids. In fact, mangoes provide 75 per cent of the daily needed vitamin C. They also have a good amount of vitamin B, which helps the function of the digestive system. This means they support efficient digestion.

Thanks to these qualities, mango nutrition is considered exceptional and promotes good digestive health.

Eating mangoes as part of your diet can be very helpful. They have glutamine acid, which can support regular sleep patterns and a healthy mood. Mangoes provide nutrients that fight ageing and help with the maintenance of collagen. This makes them a great choice for those wanting to slow signs of aging. They also promote the growth of all bodily tissues, particularly the type of tissue that helps keep good skin elastic. This can prevent wrinkles and sagging, providing about 75 per cent of the daily minimum vitamin C intake needed to produce collagen.

Mango is known as the "king of fruits," and it earns that title. It helps support a healthy brain with lots of B vitamins and other nutrients. Adding mango to your diet is good for your brain and overall well-being. This fruit is packed with vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity. It also contains vitamin A, which is important for good vision and skin repair. Plus, the fiber in mango helps with digestion and promotes gut health. So, it is a great fruit to include in your meals.

The mango's title as "King of Fruits" is well-deserved, stemming from a combination of its exquisite taste, rich nutritional value, and numerous health benefits. Its generous amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, contribute to boosting immunity and combating premature aging.

The high fiber content aids digestion, while the presence of glutamine acid supports a healthy brain and gut. Moreover, mangoes offer a natural skin cleanser and effective homemade remedy due to their vitamin content and ability to promote collagen production. While its high sugar content warrants moderation for those managing high blood sugar, the abundance of potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and its fiber content contributes to a healthy diet. Truly, the mango's delightful taste, coupled with its vast health benefits, makes it a royal treat worthy of its title.

Mangoes are rich in 25 types of carotenoids. They also provide 75 per cent of the daily minimum vitamin C intake. With high levels of B vitamins, mangoes help with efficient digestion. They support the digestive system too.

The mango, often called the "king of fruits," is great for our health. It has a lot of vitamin C, which helps boost our immune system. It also contains vitamin A, which is good for our vision and skin repair. Mango is a wonderful source of nutrition.

The fibre in the fruit helps with digestion and is good for gut health. This makes it a great choice for any diet. Mangoes also have 25 types of carotenoids and give you 75% of the daily vitamin C you need. They are rich in B vitamins, which are important for keeping the digestive system working well.

Why Mango is Called King of Fruits: A Symphony of Flavor and Nutrition

The mango is called a royal fruit because it has a great mix of taste and health benefits. Its sweet flavour, with a hint of tartness, makes it very enjoyable to eat.

The bright colour of the mango also shows that it has lots of antioxidants. These antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress and support cell health. This mix of tasty flavour and health advantages makes the mango stand out among other fruits.

Alphonso Fruit: The Crown Jewel

Among the many types of mangoes, the Alphonso is the best. It comes from the Konkan region of India. This mango is known for its sweet taste, creamy feel, and great smell. The unique flavor of Alphonso and its high quality have made it very popular. It stands out as the top choice for mango lovers.

Alphonsomango.in: Your Source for the Best Alphonso Mangoes

At Alphonsomango.in, we love giving our customers the best Alphonso mangoes. We get our mangoes straight from farmers in the Konkan region of India. This means you get the freshest and finest fruit. We also have different delivery options. This makes it simple for you to enjoy our tasty mangoes.

Order your Alphonso mangoes today and experience the taste of royalty!

Kesar Mango Queen of Mango

Kesar Aam, known as the Queen of Mangoes, is a well-known mango variety from Gujarat, India. It is famous for its special smell and sweet taste. The flesh of the Kesar Mango is bright orange. The season for Kesar Mango usually lasts from February to July, and people around the world really want to taste it.

Aam Kesari is very popular. Because of this, people often use it in desserts and drinks. You can find Aam Kesari in smoothies, ice creams, and lassi.

Buy Mango

The main reason mango is known as the 'king of fruits’ is because it is very nutritious.

The fruit has been available in India for many years. It has been around since the times of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. This fruit is just like what is mentioned in the old texts.

It is high in Vitamin C and has a delicious mango flavour.

The Universe calls it the King of Fruits.

They are known as the king of fruits for a few reasons:

  • Taste: They are sweet and juicy with a special smell. People all over the world enjoy them in many dishes, from desserts to savoury meals.
  • Nutrition: They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also provide good dietary fibre.
  • Versatility: You can eat them fresh, cook them, or make juice. They are great in many dishes, including desserts and savoury foods.
  • Cultural significance: They have been grown in India for thousands of years and are important to Indian culture. Ancient Hindu texts mention them, and they are often used in religious ceremonies and festivals.
  • Economic importance: They are an important crop in India and help farmers earn a living. India is the biggest producer of this tropical fruit, and it is exported to many countries around the globe.

They also represent plenty and wealth in India.

They are often used as gifts. People use them to decorate their homes and businesses.

These things have helped the mango be known as the king of fruits.

In Conclusion

The mango is an amazing fruit known as the "King of Fruits." It has a wonderful taste, is packed with nutrients, and can be used in many ways. People around the world love mangoes. If you want to buy mangoes for your health, they are high in powerful antioxidants.

These can help fight free radicals in the body. This possibly prevents heart disease, slow aging, and cancer.

Mangoes offer a host of health benefits. They are highly nutritious and have lots of potassium and magnesium. This makes them a great remedy for high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.

They also help with low sodium levels. Mangoes are a good source of vitamin E. This vitamin supports healthy skin and hair by boosting sebum production. This is why they are great for pregnant women to add to their healthy diets along with prenatal vitamins or iron tablets.

Mangoes are also high in fiber and have a low Glycemic index. Even though they taste sweet, they can be good for people with high blood sugar.

You can use mango leaves in your skincare routine too! By placing thin slices of mango on your face for 10 to 15 minutes, you can use this rejuvenating scrub for natural skin cleansing. You will see immediate results with this quick procedure.

Mangoes can also help reduce acne since they lower the secretion of oil on the skin because of their high iron content.

So, why not add this tasty and nutritious fruit, along with its leaves, to your diet today?

You might just feel the delight of your day!

Know More about Mango's Nutritional Values

International Mangoes Like Kent and Haden are good for Calcium

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Why Mango is our National Fruit - AlphonsoMango.in

Why Mango is our National Fruit

Mango National Fruit: A Symbol of Pride and Identity

Mango National Fruit of India. Depicted as the Food of the Gods in the holy Vedas.

It is the national fruit of India, a country with a rich history and culture. They are a delicious and nutritious fruit enjoyed by people of all ages in India.

Why Mango is India's National Fruit


They are also a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

The fruit is a globally beloved fruit with a sweet scent and delicious taste that has been enjoyed for centuries. As India's national fruit, it symbolizes prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

Why is mango the national fruit of some countries?

Mango is some country's national fruit because it represents national pride, cultural identity, and economic significance. Mango National fruit are widely grown and consumed in these countries, contributing to their agricultural economy and showcasing their unique tropical fruit heritage.

Mango National Fruit

Mango, is national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, is a tropical fruit known for its sweet taste and juicy texture. It contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that offer numerous health benefits. Mangoes, like pickles, are rich in dietary fibre, aiding digestion and promoting weight loss. They are also high in vitamins C and A, supporting immune function and vision health. In addition, mangoes are a great source of potassium, which is essential for maintaining heart health. Add mangoes to your diet for a delicious and nutritious treat.

Mango is the National Fruit of India

India's national fruit represents the country's vibrancy and natural goodness. It has a sweet taste and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Enjoyed by families for generations, this fruit holds cultural significance and unity. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu are the central mango-producing states in India. Uttar Pradesh leads in mango production with a 23.47% share and the highest output.

The fruit has a long history in Indian culture, with references to it found in ancient Sanskrit literature. Mangoes are also an important export commodity for India, with the country being one of the largest producers of mangoes in the world.

The History of Mangoes in India

Mangoes have been cultivated in India for centuries.

The earliest known mention of them in India is in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.

They are described as sacred fruits offered to the gods in the Rig Veda.

They were also mentioned in the writings of the Greek traveller Megasthenes, who visited India in the 4th century BCE.

Megasthenes described them as a large, juicy fruit that was a favourite of the Indian people.

The Importance of India Mangoes Culture

They are an essential part of Indian culture. They are often used in religious ceremonies and festivals.

For example, the leaves of this plant are used to decorate temples and homes during the festival of Holi.

They are also a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine. They are used in various dishes, including curries, chutneys, and desserts.

Alphonso mango tree

Have you ever heard of the Alphonso mango tree? It's a magnificent tree that produces some of the most delicious mangoes in the world! If you're a tropical fruit fan, you'll want to learn more about this unique tree and its fruit. Let me tell you, it's a treat for your taste buds! What is the significance of mangoes in Indian culture?

Mangoes, known as the king of fruits, hold great cultural significance in India. They represent love, fertility, and prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Lord Ganesha carries a fruit as a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. Mangoes are prominently featured in festivals and rituals throughout the country. They are offered to deities during religious ceremonies and used in traditional dishes. Mangoes have even been celebrated in history and literature, with renowned Indian poet Kalidasa praising their exquisite flavour.

Mango as a Symbol of Prosperity

They are a symbol of prosperity in India. They are often associated with wealth, abundance, and good luck.

For example, planting a palm tree in your backyard is good luck.

The Indian mango tree is also a symbol of fertility. In Hindu mythology, the tree is said to have sprung from the sweat of the creator god, Prajapati.

It makes the tree a symbol of new beginnings and growth.

While they are grown in many countries, only a select few produce mango pulp, puree, and juice for global trade.

India, the largest producer worldwide, consistently yields more than 28 million tonnes annually, a significant increase from a decade ago.

Aam production in India is on a consistent rise.

In India, fresh market fruits dominate the market, and it is no exception.

Unlike apples, mango national fruit cannot be stored for long periods, so their availability is seasonal.

Although it can be grown throughout the year, the awaited arrival of this fruit's new season varies depending on the region.

Buy National Fruit of India Online

Over 100 types of Indian mangoes are available in various tones, sizes, and shapes.

The common names utilized in the organic product setting are Mangot, Manga, and Mangou. 

India's National Fruit Mango

India's National Fruit Mangoes is the exact cause; the term 'mango' isn't known.

It is accepted from the Portuguese expression manga, presumably from Malayalam manga. 

King of Fruit finds a reference in Indian history also. Mangoes were cultivated in India a long time ago.

The celebrated writer Kalidasa is known to have praised it excitedly.

The tree is mentioned in many Hindu texts, both epics and Puranas. Here are a few examples:

References in Hindu Mythology for Mango

  • In Hindu mythology, the plant is associated with Prajapati, the creator god. It is because the plant is said to have sprung from the sweat of Prajapati. As such, it is seen as a symbol of creation and fertility.
  • In the Mahabharata, the other major epic of Hinduism, these plants are mentioned in the Shanti Parva. In this passage, the sage Markandeya describes the vriksha as a symbol of immortality. 
  • Guru Markandeya says that the amra vruksha is the only tree that can withstand the sun's heat and the moon's cold. As such, it is seen as a symbol of strength and endurance.
  • In the Vishnu Purana, one of the significant puranas of Hinduism, they are mentioned in the story of the sage Durvasa.
  • In this story, Durvasa curses the king of the gods, Indra, to lose all of his wealth and power. Indra is eventually able to break the curse by offering Durvasa a mango. It shows the plant of this fruit as a symbol of power and prosperity.
  • In the Shiva Purana, another major Purana of Hinduism, the amra vruksha, is mentioned in the story of the sage Agastya.
  • In this story, Agastya is said to have planted an aam tree in the Himalayas.
  • This tree is said to be the source of all mangoes in the world. As such, it is seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance.
  • It is also used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies.
  • For example, leaves are often used to make garlands and decorations for festivals and weddings. Mangoes are also offered to deities as a symbol of devotion.
  • It is a sacred plant in Hinduism and is often associated with Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu.
  • In the Ramayana, the epic poem that tells the story of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana, there is a scene where Rama promises to bring Sita a mango from the garden of the demon king Ravana.
  • This scene is significant because it shows Rama's love and devotion to Sita. It also shows the mango tree as a symbol of love, prosperity, and abundance. 
  • Ashoka the Great (304-232 BCE): The Mauryan emperor Ashoka the Great is credited with planting them throughout his empire.
  • He is said to have produced over 200,000 paudha in Pataliputra (modern-day Patna).
  • Harshavardhana (606-647 CE): The Harsha Empire ruler Harshavardhana is also said to have planted this throughout his kingdom. He is said to have produced over 100,000 Kannauj (modern-day Kanpur) trees.
  • Shivaji Maharaj (1630-1680 CE): The Maratha Empire founder Shivaji Maharaj is known for his love of mangoes. He is said to have planted them throughout his kingdom and even built a unique garden for personal enjoyment.
  • Aside from that, old Greek King Alexander the Great and Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang have been said to have appreciated its taste.
  • Verifiable records likewise notice that Mughal King Akbar planted 100,000 of these plants in Darbhanga, known as Lakhibagh.
  • Mangos, preferred for their sweet squeeze and brilliant tones worldwide, are plentiful in nutrients A, C, and D. 
  • In the Gurucharitra Adhyay number 38, there is a reference by Shree Narasimha Sarasvati for this plant in chapter 38 as Amraphal.

Depiction of Mango in India

Mango national fruit is accessible in various sizes, ranging from 10 to 25 cm long and 7 to 12 cm wide.

Regarding weight, solitary ripe ones can be as heavy as 2.5 kg.

The natural product arrives in a wide assortment of shadings, for example, green, yellow, red, and even different mixes of these tones.

This fruit has a level, elongated seed in the middle, covered by the sweet mash.

About Mangoes

Covering the mash is a thin layer of skin stripped off before eating the organic product.

The unpeeled natural product radiates an unmistakable, resinous, sweet smell when ready. 

Mangifera Indica is one of the tropical world's most influential and broadly developed products.

Its succulent natural product is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and D. In India, more than 100 assortments of mangoes are in various sizes, shapes, and shadings. 

National Mango Day

National Mango Day is always on the 22nd of July every year.

Mango national fruit is chosen as the national fruit of some countries due to its cultural significance, economic value, and abundance within those countries. Mango represents national pride, symbolizes identity, and showcases the rich agricultural heritage of these nations.

Variety of Mangoes in India

There are over 100 varieties of mangoes grown in India. Each type has its unique flavour and texture. Some of the most popular types of mangoes in India include:

Many mango assortments in India showcase the country's bountiful aam ka varieties. The most famous mango national fruit in India include Alphonso (also called Hapoos), 'Amrapali,' 'Bangalore,' 'Banganapalli' (otherwise called 'Benishaan'), 'Bombay,' 'Bombay Green,' 'Chausa,' 'Chinna Rasalu,' 'Dashaheri' ('Dasheri'), 'Fazli,' 'Fernandina,' 'Gulabkhas,' 'lakhi bagh,' 'Himayath' (a.k.a. 'Imam Pasand'), 'Himsagar,' 'Jehangir,' 'Kesar,' Kesar aam' Kishen Bhog,' 'Lalbaug,' 'Gir Kesar' 'Langda' ('Langra'), 'Mallika,' 'Mankurad,' 'Mulgoa,' 'Neelam,' 'Pairi,' 'Pedda Rasalu,' 'Rajapuri,' 'Safeda,' 'Suvarnarekha,' 'Totapuri,' Mankurad Goa'. 'Vanraj' and 'Zardalu.' The mango varieties from India to the Caribbean showcase the fruit's incredible diversity. The Alphonso, known as Hapoos, is one of India's most popular varieties. Mangoes are processed by the APEDA-registered packhouse facilities and then exported to various regions and countries, such as the Middle East, the European Union, the US, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom. Alphonso, Kesar, Tota Puri, and Banganpalli are leading export varieties from India. Mango exports primarily occur in fresh aam ka pulp and mango slices. China, Thailand, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, and Egypt are some other mango production countries.undefinedReason

Development of Mango in Nation 

Mangoes are cultivated best in an ice-free atmosphere.it is among the widely grown fruits.

On the off chance that temperatures dip under 40° F, in any event, the blossoms on the tree can get slaughtered for a brief period.

A warm and dry climate is needed. It is accessible in the late spring season, as it were.

It can fill well in enormous compartments and a nursery, too.

Mango trees are obscure.

They become speedy and can arrive at a stature of as much as 65 ft. 

The life of this plant is commonly exceptionally long. 

Some are known to be more than 300 years of age and as yet fruiting.

Which is Our National Bird

The Indian Peacock is our National Bird, also called (Pavo cristatus, Indian peafowl, or peafowl).

Bank's shape of feathers means fan-shaped crest of feathers with beautiful colour and cheerful, a medium-sized or swan-sized bird with a long slender neck and a white patch under the eye.  

According to some myths, legends, history, and lore, the peacock symbol carries Good omens of guidance, holiness, nobility, watchfulness, and protection. Lord Krishna used peacock Feathers on his head.

Peacocks are found in most Mango national fruit Orchards or Aamrai. If you want to see Peacock, you will keep visiting Aamrai in the early mornings.

The mango national fruit tree is sacred in Hinduism.

It is often associated with love, prosperity, abundance, strength, endurance, power, and fertility. It is a symbol of many vital things to Hindus, and it is often used in rituals and ceremonies.

Mango health benefits

Find mango recipes

Payari mango Online

Mango Pulp

Kesar Mangoes Online Pune


Cultural India 

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Mango the National fruit of India

National fruit of India


Ratnagiri Alphonso




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