Buy Aam papad - Amba Poli Online
Buy Aam papad - Amba Poli Online - 100 gram ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ಆರ್ಡರ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅದು ಮತ್ತೆ ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ಗೆ ಬಂದ ತಕ್ಷಣ ರವಾನಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.
ಪಿಕಪ್ ಲಭ್ಯತೆಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ.
Buy Aam papad | Amba Poli
Aam papad, or mango leather, is a delicious and nutritious snack from sun-dried mango pulp. It is a popular treat in India and other parts of South Asia.
It is made by slicing mangoes, spreading them flat, and drying them in the sun until they become thin and leathery. The resulting papad is a sweet and tangy treat packed with nutrients.
It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. It is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage. Aam papad is a low-calorie snack that is a good choice for people trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight.
Aam papad can be enjoyed independently or as part of a larger snack or meal. It can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes, such as curries and chutneys.
Indian Alphonso Mango fruit leather is enjoyed in Indian homes.
Amba Poli
These snacks are a delicious and energetic treat that can be enjoyed anytime. They are made by blending Alphonso mango pulp with condensed sugar solution and heating the mixture to a specific temperature.
Once heated, the mixture is poured onto a greased dish and left to dry in the sun using a hygienic glass solar dryer. The dish is greased with pure cow ghee to ensure the mixture doesn't stick.
Alphonso Mangoes from our GI tag-certified farms
Buy online prepared as per the traditional way in Konkan Maharashtra. With quality, juicy, and tasty handpicked Alphonso mangoes from our farms in Ratnagiri and Devgad. All mango products are prepared with GI tag-certified Mangoes.
Indulge in the sweet and chewy mango candies from Konkan, made from handpicked Ratnagiri Alphonso and Devgad Alphonso mangoes. Aam Papad, a common household delicacy, is available in various varieties, from sweet to sour and everything in between.
This delicious and healthy snack is made with natural ingredients like mangoes, which provide a sweet, aromatic goodness and are delicious! Experience the traditional Indian flavours from Konkan in the comfort of your home.
A traditional Indian lip-smacking snack. In the coastal region of India, they are prepared from authentic mango pulp. Yellowish-red in colour, it has a sweet, sour, and tangy taste.
King of Snack from King of Fruit Aam Papad
Alphonso Mango, the king of fruits, is consumed traditionally in India differently, and the Mango papad recipe is one of them. These traditional sweets look like puffy mango pastries with flaky layers of fruit leather. It tastes delicious and sour with a fresh, prominent Hapus Mango flavour that crawls in your mouth with mango's sticky taste.
This dish is preserved and can be appreciated long after the mango season. It comes again in Konkan; we get this when we go back to our villages by our granny, preserved by our granny with a genuine love of mangoes, which always make you remember the taste of Hapus.
Amba Poli Synonyms in different languages: -
Assamese - Aamta
Bengali - Aamsotto
English – Mango candy, dry aam papad, Sukha Mango papad, Aam ki roti,
Gujrati – આમ પાપડ, કેરીની અવનવી વાનગી, Kairino roti, Aam no Papad, Aam no Papar
Hindi – आम पापड़, आम का पापड़, अमावट, आम पापर, आमपापड, आमपापार, आम पापड़ी , आम की रोटी, अमावत, सूखा आम पापड़.
Marathi – आंबा पोळी, Amba Poli, आंब्याची पोळी
Oria (Odia) - aamba sadhaa
Punjabi – Aam papar, ampapar
Tamil & Telugu – Mamidi Tandra
History of Mango papad
Aam papar was a homemade dish and a famous snack after mango season was over in Konkan, Southern India, and Northern India.
Mostly prepared by Grannies in our home, carry forward sweets dessert stock of the year.
Most ancient travellers who travelled worldwide used to take this as food over the years. Aampapar's popularity has increased multiplefold, becoming a global leap-smacking sweet snack.
It is prepared earlier at home using Alphonso mango pulp and concentrated sugar. No preservative is used nowadays. Some players prepare commercially using potassium metabisulfite.
Once the mango pulp layers in cow ghee-greased trays are sun-dried hygienically, they are cut into small pieces. It can stay for 1 to 2 years as per the preparation. It can be enjoyed even after the mango season without refrigeration, with a mango taste.
Buy Aam Papad's price.
The price for this is packing like 100 gms, 250 gms, 500 gms, 1 KG, and 5 Kg wholesale pack, our wholesale customers. Our farmer families prepare our farmer families, and hence, this price is lower than to help the farmers.
Shelf Life
Consume one year from the date of manufacturing.
Know the recipe of Aam papar here.
How to make the Aam Papad recipe
Nutrition Fact Aam Papar – Mamidi Tandra
Aam Papar is prepared from real alphonso mango pulp. There is no artificial flavouring substance. Mango Papar contains nutritional values with high energy, which may give an Instant calorie boost as mango contains high sugar content.
For Calorie Conscious People
Activities needed to burn these seven calories are:-
- 1-minute cycling
- 2 minutes of cleaning
- 0 minutes of running
It can be a small bitter for your little lip-smacking hunger.