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Anjeer in Diabetes

By Prashant Powle

Anjeer in Diabetes

Anjeer, also known as figs, is a type of fruit used for centuries in traditional medicine. 

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In some research, Anjeer leaves have been observed to have anti-diabetic properties, and the juice of this Anjeer dry fruit has been used to treat diabetes in some cases. 

In a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, rats with diabetes were given an extract of fig leaves, which helped lower their blood sugar levels. 

The results of this study suggest that figs may be a valuable natural treatment for diabetes.

Fig leaves are not the only plant part with anti-diabetic properties.

The fruit itself is also beneficial for people with diabetes. 

Figs are a naturally vegan source of dietary fiber, which can help to regulate blood sugar levels. 

A natural source of potassium helps in proper nerve and muscle function. 

There are many different ways to incorporate figs into your diet. 

You can eat them fresh, dried, or in the form of a powder. 

You can also add figs to smoothies or juices. 

Anjeer helps in managing diabetes.

It increases insulin secretion as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  

As per Ayurveda Charak Samhita's text, consuming 2-3 soaked Anjeer in the morning can help relieve your bowel movement constipation. 

It has laxative properties in Ayurveda. It is called Rechana.

Best diet to get a treat for yourselves in diabetes, consider adding figs to your diet.

How much anjeer can people with diabetes eat?

The amount of figs individuals with diabetes can consume varies based on their requirements. It is important to seek personalized advice from a physician or registered dietitian.

In general, people with diabetes should limit their intake of sugary fruits, but anjeer can be enjoyed in moderation.

A good rule of thumb is to limit your intake of anjeer to 2-3 servings per day. One serving equals 1/2 cup of fresh anjeer or two tablespoons of dried anjeer.

Dried Anjeer Glycemic Index is 62

This Index level is considered as Medium Glycemic Index food.

Blood sugar levels are in proper check when anjeer is consumed regularly.

Figs are rich in soluble dietary fiber, which helps regulate sugar release in the blood.

Is Anjeer Good for Diabetes

Anjeer contains optimal levels of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, which are necessary for proper nerve and muscle function.

The presence of polyphenols and antioxidant flavonoids make figs effective in scavenging harmful free radicals from the body.

Regular consumption of anjeer aids in weight loss by reducing bad cholesterol levels and promoting healthy digestion.

Anjeer helps you to develop and improve digestive health.

It lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugar levels, boosts heart health, and aids in weight loss.

Fig for Diabetes

Natural healthy vegan dry fruit sources of fiber can help regulate blood sugar levels.

A natural dry fruit source of potassium is necessary for proper nerve and muscle function.

There are many different ways to incorporate figs into your diet.

You can eat them dried, fresh, or in the form of a powder. 

If you are looking for a natural dried fruits way to eat during diabetes, consider adding figs to your diet. 

You can also add figs to smoothies or juices. 

Anjeer in diabetes has many benefits as it is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Dried Figs help regulate blood sugar levels and also aid in weight loss.  

You can use Anjeer leaves to make a tea that has been shown to lower blood sugar levels significantly. 

The juice or milkshake of the dried anjeer fruit can help you with diabetes.

How to incorporate anjeer into your diet

There are many ways to incorporate anjeer into your diet. Here are a few ideas:

  • Eat fresh anjeer as a snack or add them to yoghurt, oatmeal, or cereal.
  • Add dried anjeer to salads, trail mix, or baked goods.
  • Make anjeer chutney or jam.
  • Add anjeer to smoothies or milkshakes.

If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor or registered dietitian before adding anjeer. They can help you to determine the best way to incorporate anjeer into your meal plan.

Anjeer Nutritional Facts per 100 grams 

Calories- 247

Protein- 1.6 grams

Fat- 0.7 grams

Carbohydrates- 63.1 grams

Fiber- 8 grams

Sugar- 40.4 grams

Potassium- 232 mg, which is 5% of the Daily Value (DV)

Calcium- 162 mg, which is 4% of the DV

Manganese- 0.760 mg, which is 33% of the DV

Anjeer is a nutritious fruit that has many health benefits. 

It is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants, which makes it beneficial for people with diabetes. 

It helps in regulating blood sugar levels and also aids in weight loss. 

Leaves of this dry fruit can be used to make a tea that has been shown to lower blood sugar levels significantly. 

Including this dry fruit in your diet is a good way to get the nutrients you need and help control your blood sugar levels.

Please eat any food that is in moderate condition.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.

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