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Buy Nutmeg - Jayphal - Jathikai

Rs. 260.00



Buy Nutmeg - Jayphal - Jathikai- Jaiphal

Nutmeg is a spice derived from the nutmeg tree's seed. The tree is native to Indonesia, but it is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

It has a warm, slightly sweet flavor and a pungent aroma. It is often used in desserts, such as pies, Amrakhand, kheer, Payasum, basundi, cookies, cakes, and savory dishes, such as curries and stews. it is also common in eggnog, mulled wine, and other winter drinks.

Looking to spice up your life? It is the perfect addition to any dish.

Do you think your food lacks something? Perhaps some flavor? Or aroma? Do you also hate how bland milk tastes?

Looking for Nutmeg Powder

Then, we have just what you need: Jayphal!

This warm, aromatic spice flavors many baked goods, confections, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and more.

Buy Jayphal

Not only does nutmeg add flavor and aroma to your food, but it also has a wealth of health benefits.

Nutmeg helps calm the nervous system and improve blood circulation, which can be especially helpful for people with insomnia or other sleep disorders.

It also detoxifies the body and adds a

Buy Nutmeg Jadi Kai 

Though the Name sounds like a nut, it's a spice and a seed spice, also known as jaiphal, in the Indian languages. 

Buy Nutmeg Jathikai  

It is used in international cuisines, baked goods, and desserts and is popular in the culinary world for its aroma, taste, and calming brain effects.

It is mainly used for seasoning multiple recipes.

Latin Name for this Evergreen tree seeds of Myristica fragrant. 

It is grown on India's Konkan and Kerala coast and is commonly used in spices like garam masala. 


It is a spice made of a seed of a fruit. For example, nutmeg and Mace are grown on the same tree; the seed and fruit are the Mace spice.


They are commonly used in Indian cuisine to enhance the fragrance and aroma of the dish.

It has a sweet taste with a pungent smell.

Fragrant spice

Most of us sprinkle it on shrikhand, pudding, biryani, sauces, Piyush, and baked goods.

Chefs sprinkle it on cakes for a pleasant aroma.

It is used in many dishes as it helps with the digestion of food.

It helps relieve cough for those who are suffering from cold and cough.

An excellent natural remedy for insomnia and those suffering from sleepless nights help you get sound sleep.

Some Indonesian cooks prepare a sweet dessert, Indonesian manisan pala using this spice.

Trees of this spice have long spread egg-shaped leaves with tiny, bell-shaped yellow flowers.

Benefits of Nutmeg

Nutmeg Origin

With a history of Origin from the Indonesia Banda Islands, European traders spread it across the globe, and that's how they reached India.

History depicts the local tree to the Moluccas called Maluka, the Spice Islands of Indonesia.

Hence it is mainly grown in Indonesia and some parts of the 24 West Indies islands.

It grew smaller in India, China, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Malaysia, Zanzibar, and Solomon Island. 

Kerala has a large share of this spice in India and ranks first.

Karnataka ranks second, and Maharashtra ranks third.

Jayphal a 100% Vegetarian Spice or Vegan Spice

It is made from a seed. So, it is a pure vegan product.

You can use it in delicacies specially prepared for your festive and worship god.

You will always find powder of this spice sprinkled on Shrikhand's servings in the Maharashtrian Shrikhand recipe.

Original product

We deliver natural spices grown naturally from Konkan & Kerala to your doorstep.

Natural product

We naturally grow the spice. A task force led by our founder spent two years touring the nation to find the best farmers who use traditional and natural ways.


Side Effects of the spice

It leads to trippy effects with acute or large daily or extended usage in 120 mg or more daily doses.

Nutmeg Side Effects for Baby

It may lead to anxiety, dizziness, palpitations, and hallucinations.

It may cause other brain-related mental diseases along with side effects.

It resolves within 24 hours if the dose is removed from the body via urine or stool.

It may lead to nutmeg poisoning. 

You might suffer unrest, sleepiness, delusion, nausea, irregular heartbeat, with dry mouth if you consume large amounts.  


If you have any seed allergies, then you need to avoid them.

If you have a spice allergy, it may result in eczema.

Would you please talk to your physician or doctor about any queries?

The above information source is from the internet and various Ayurveda books.

Care for Pregnant and Nursing women

Nursing and pregnant women should avoid large doses. Instead, they can use it in small quantities in desserts and dishes.

If consumed in more than 7.5 gms, it may affect pregnant women's childbirth processes and stop prostaglandin.

It may affect the fetus due to its contents, like hallucinogens, if consumed more than 7.5 grams. 

Storage Indications

It may lose flavor and aroma quickly if kept open.

Hence purchase it in small packs.

Would you please keep it in pack conditions in an airtight container?

Stock in a cool and dry place.

This spice is indeed a superfood!

Use it in multiple desserts like Mango LassiMango PuddingAmrakhandAamrasMango SmoothieMango Kulfi, & Kesar doodh

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Deepak Minz
fresh nutmeg

Nutmeg was fresh.