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Alphonso Mango GI Tag

By Prashant Powle

Alphonso Mango GI Tag - AlphonsoMango.in
  • Many mango sellers use harmful chemicals like carbide to ripen mangoes, making them look yellow but taste sour.
  • Carbide-ripened mangoes can be unsafe, so we offer  100% natural, carbide-free mangoes sourced from farmers using traditional methods.
  • Our safe and delicious mangoes can be enjoyed in seats, juices, salads, and more—grab them while the season lasts!

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Alphonso Mango GI TAG

Does Rosogulla remind you of Bengal? Or Kancheepuram sarees of Tamil Nadu? Or Pashmina of Kashmir? Do you know why?

Buy Alphonso Mango with GI Tag

Because these regions, which are the origins of these products, give them their unique identity. 

Alphonso mangoes have been granted a GI tag Full form for Geographical Indication. Only Alphonso mangoes grown in the Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts of Maharashtra can be called Alphonso mangoes. The GI tag was awarded in 2018.

The Alphonso mango gi is a premium variety known for its sweet and aromatic flavour. It is grown in a specific region of Maharashtra, India. It is considered to be one of the best mangoes in the world.

The GI tag helps to protect the Alphonso mango from imitation and ensures that consumers get the real thing. It also helps promote the Alphonso mango and boost the region's economy.

Alphonso Mango GI Tag

The  Alphonso mango GI tag ensures that only mangoes from specific regions are recognized as authentic.

Farmers in Maharashtra have benefited dramatically from the  Alphonso mango GI tag.

The Alphonso mango GI tag protects the fruit's unique identity and premium quality.

Due to the Alphonso mango GI tag, counterfeit mangoes can be easily identified.

Exporters rely on the Alphonso mango GI tag to verify the authenticity of their produce.

The  Alphonso mango GI tag is awarded to mangoes grown in Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, and nearby regions.

The introduction of the Alphonso mango GI tag has boosted the market demand for this premium variety.

The Alphonso mango GI tag is a mark of quality that distinguishes it from other mango varieties.

Thanks to the Alphonso mango GI tag, international buyers can be assured of the fruit's authenticity.

The Alphonso mango GI tag ensures better earnings for farmers by preventing the sale of fake varieties.

The  Alphonso mango GI tag helps customers make informed purchases in domestic and international markets.

The government introduced the Alphonso mango GI tag to safeguard the interests of local farmers.

With the Alphonso mango GI tag, India has strengthened its reputation for producing premium mangoes.

The Alphonso mango GI tag has made it easier for consumers to identify genuine Alphonso mangoes.

The Alphonso mango GI tag has increased the export potential of this beloved fruit.

Many retailers now highlight the Alphonso mango GI tag to attract quality-conscious buyers.

The Alphonso mango GI tag protects the legacy of this world-renowned mango variety.

Because of the Alphonso mango GI tag, counterfeit mangoes have decreased in the market.

The  Alphonso mango GI tag assures buyers of the mango's superior taste and aroma.

Thanks to the Alphonso mango GI tag, Alphonso remains one of the most sought-after mango varieties.

GI Tag Full form

GI tag stands for Geographical Indication Tag.

These products have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities due to that origin. Therefore, they carry a Geographical Indication (GI)  tag.

It is a marker or sign that indicates that a product originates from a specific region.

The products earned a reputation due to the defined geographical locality of their origin.

Thus, the tag conveys an assurance of quality to the consumers in domestic and international markets.

The product's quality and distinctiveness are attributable to the good's origin.

A GI tag is like a trademark or a patent for handicrafts, agricultural goods, foodstuffs, and products. 

The Geographical Indications Act of 1999 was brought into force by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 2003.

GI tags aim to support local production and mainstream and empower the tribal and rural traders. 

Any other region or country cannot claim the GI tag of one area or region. Thus, the place of origin becomes an intellectual property.

Initially, 325 products were awarded a GI tag in India. The first good to earn one was Darjeeling tea in 2004.

Today, around 600 products have earned this tag.

A GI tag is awarded based on the following features: 

  • Climate.
  • The culture that makes the products unique.
  • Qualities like a pleasant fragrance and vibrant colour.
  • Taste and aroma.
  • Traditional and unique production tools.

 Basmati rice, Kashmiri Saffron, Darjeeling tea, Alphonso mango, and black rice are some goods that have earned a gi tag.

India is a diverse country. One can't point out just one thing or good and say that's Indian culture.

Indian culture is vivid. It comprises the new and the old, the past and the present, the modern and the traditional.

GI tags help protect this diversity. It ensures that the new modern doesn't

Rub off the past, the traditional, just because it is old. 

GI tags are important because they help rural and tribal communities earn the respect and money they deserve for their hard work.

Ratnagiri Mango GI Tag Certified

Alphonso Mango GI Tag

Devgad Mango GI Tag Certified

Type of Mangoes – Which has received GI Tag?

Mangoes have a special bond with the tag. This magical fruit comes in many variants in India.

This fruit is magical because all love all of its variants. It is the only fruit whose nine variants have earned a GI tag!

We have a list of these nine types for you.

  • Alphonso Mango - Maharashtra
  • Gir Kesar - Gujarat
  • Jardalu Mango – Bihar
  • Laxman Bhog Mango – West Bengal
  • Himsagar Mango – West Bengal
  • Fazli Mango – West Bengal
  • Malihabadi Dussheri Mango – Uttar Pradesh
  • Appemidi Mango – Karnataka
  • Banaganapalle Mango – Andhra Pradesh

 Alphonso Mango 

Mango is thought to be the best of all fruits. Alphonso is the best of the best!

It is known as Hapus amba or Hapus Aam in the local tongue.

Grown across the 200 kilometres of Konkan coastline in Devgad and Ratnagiri, the Alphonso mango, or Hapus, is one of the best mangoes.

The taste of Hapus depends on the soil and climate where it grows. Many attempts have been made to grow Alphonso mangoes across the country.

However, the topography and the coastal yet volcanic soil of Ratnagiri and Devgad give Hapus its unique taste, aroma, and colour.

The thin skin of the fruit makes Devgad and Ratnagiri Hapus unique.

Konkan coast has volcanic red soil and a hot climate with adequate humidity.

The topography of the region makes it suitable for Hapus production.

Devgad and Ratnagiri districts produce the finest of Hapus. Hapus grown in these districts is exported to various countries.

The fruit has thin skin and thick pulp. Thus, you get more of that sweet, yellow, creamy, delicious pulp!

A ripe Alphonso mango is slightly hard to touch, has saffron-yellow skin, and has a sweet aroma. Alphonso season lasts from mid-April to June.

This fruit's aroma is a better sign of ripeness than colour. If your aam fills your room with its delicious smell, it is ready to eat.

If not, then wait for a few days. Store it in hay or a dry place away from light.

Don't wash your raw mangoes. It stops the ripening process.

The rich, non-fibrous, creamy texture, enticing aroma, and exquisite taste made Alphonso mangoes a part of the 'Top 100 Foods to Eat Before You Die list.

  1. Powle Home Foods owns it.

Powle Home Food is a GI tag-approved user and trader with GI Tag user number AU/5974/GI/139/260.

There are five major GI-approved users:

  • The director of research, Dr Balasahed Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Ratnagiri
  • M/s Konkan Hapus Amba Utpadak ani Vikrete Sahkari Sanstha Vengurla
  • M/s Devgad Taluka Amba Upadak Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit, Devgad, Sindhudurga
  • M/s Kelshi Amba Utpadak Sangha Maryadit Kelshi, Ratnagiri  

We source Alphonso Mango from GI tag-certified mango farmers in Ratnagiri and Devgad.

We source our mangoes from the Devgad Taluka Amba Upadak Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit, Devgad, and Sindhudurga.

Want to know more about the Mango Glycemic Index? 

We offer naturally made products brought straight from the farms to your doorstep.

List of GI Tag Certified products

Many producers use a chemical compound called carbide to ripen mangoes. Such chemical-injected mangoes look yellow on the outside but taste sour.

Also, the chemicals you eat through such mangoes harm your body. Thus, these aren't safe for you and your loved ones.

We offer 100% carbide-free mangoes. Our research team, led by our founder member, toured the country for two years, looking for farmers that use traditional and natural methods to grow goods.

Therefore, our mangoes are carbide-free and completely natural. Our product is safe and loved by everyone across all age groups.

Slice and dice it and add it to desserts, juices, salads, and cookies. Enjoy this fruit while the season lasts.

Who Gives GI Tag

Geographical Indication Tags are issued per the GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act,1999.

It is issued by the Registry of Geographical Indication, which is part of the Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

You can visit their website https://dipp.gov.in/.

GI Tag Mangoes
Alphonso mango GI Tag
Alphonso GI Tag

Mango Glycemic Index

Buy Alphonso Mango UK

Buy Alphonso Mango

Himsagar Mango

Alphonso Mango Faridabad

Alphonso Mango Online Bikaner

What is the GI tag for Alphonso mango?

GI (Geographical Indication) tag is a unique label given to products from a specific place, ensuring quality and authenticity. The  Alphonso mango GI tag eans only mangoes from approved regions, like  Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg in Maharashtra, India, can be called true Alphonso mangoes.

Why is the GI tag important for Alphonso mangoes?

The  GI tag protects Alphonso mangoes from fakes and guarantees they come from the right place. It helps farmers get better prices, ensures customers get high-quality fruit and boosts exports by proving authenticity.

How can I check if an Alphonso mango has a GI tag?

Look for a GI logo or certification on the packaging to identify a GI-tagged Alphonso mango. You can also buy from trusted sellers who mention the GI tag in their product descriptions.

How to make Mango Sheera | Mango Suji Halwa | Alphonso mango puree | Mango Pulp

Prashant Powle

Prashant powle

Prashant Powle's journey wasn't always about mangoes. He was once a part of a corporate world, but his heart was set on a dream – to spread the exquisite taste of Alphonso mangoes far and wide. With unwavering passion, he took a leap of faith, bidding adieu to his job and venturing into the world of entrepreneurship with Alphonsomango.in.It wasn't easy at first. He had to learn about farming, how to get the mangoes to people, and how to run a business. But Prashant's love for Hapus mangoes was unwavering, and he didn't give up. He worked hard and faced the challenges, always ensuring that the mangoes he delivered were of the highest quality.Now, Alphonsomango.in is a big success! Thanks to Prashant's hard work and passion, people all over India can enjoy delicious Alphonso mangoes from the renowned regions of Ratnagiri and Devgad. His story shows us that even when things are tough, if you follow your dreams, you can achieve amazing things.

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