Mango Seed Benefits
Mango Seed
Mango Seed is called Amra beej in Hindi and Marathi. It is called Ambyachi koy.
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It is more grown near sea coastlands or a mountain in a way it requires the right climate for this cultivation. It sometimes takes no effort or attention; it grows on itself.
If you need the seeds, you need to buy fresh Mangoes from us:
Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango
Devgad Alphonso Mango
Kesar Mango
Our farms in Ratnagiri and Devgad have sections other than Alphonso Mango, where we grow a variety of Indian Mangoes for our in-house research.
Mango varieties like:
- Alphonso Mangoes – we have a tree which is like our family symbol. For example, my grand for father planted it and handed it over to us.
- Kesar Aam– These are the trees we have planted for our research recently in Konkan.
- Payari Mango
- Dasheri Aam
- Chausa Mango
- Badami Aam
- Safeda Aam
- Bombay Green – This breed was planted here by my uncle actually in Punjab, but later, he shifted the plant from Punjab to Ratnagiri while it was in the nursery stage
- Langra Mango
- Raspberry Mango
- Rajapuri
- Totapuri
- payari
Just if you think of fantastic nature and motherland, various mangoes come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. They ripen at slightly different times or continue their flowering, budding, and harvesting cycles. Each Aam has its unique flavors, aroma, and taste.
Growing mango tree from mango seed
Growing different tree varieties in the same garden is an exciting job as you need to study a lot for different types. Still, it has different flowering and harvest times for this feast for your taste buds.
You can eat fresh mangoes for a range of months, which starts in December.
This year was a little bit unfortunate due to heavy rain. Our flowering has been pushed to February, or else time we used to eat the first Mango in January instead of only a few weeks!
Understand why monkeys eat mango seeds
Monkeys love these fruits tremendously as monkeys eat mangoes with their sweet and tasty flesh not only human beings, but lots of animals and birds love mangoes, the peel.
While the seeds are known fact as Ayurveda seeds, called Amra Beeja is known for energy boosters, which help Monkeys jump from one tree to another. Few have side effects, cautions, quantity, nutrition facts, and concerns about this fruit.
Mango Seed health benefits
Once your Alphonso mangoes are clean, the seed makes it pat dry and does two things out of it.
Dried Seed benefits
- Grind the seeds (Koy, bata, seed, kernel) in a mixer and keep this dry powder in a pat dry place, which can take during diarrhea.
- Seed powder is an excellent application for bleeding disorders if used externally.
- Seed (koy in Marathi or Bata) kernel powder helps to bleed and heal wounds.
- The Gum, released from this Plant, is used for applying cracks on the feet. This Gum from this which helps in healing cracks in the feet, which may occur in the winter and get cured in summer.
Mango forest a cause of Humanity
There is something in which you can return gifts to nature as a corporate social responsibility CSR activity.
You usually feel it as a headache but think of draught areas, or you drive in a car nearby at least once a month. Just keep these seed bombs in your car dickey or carry them in trains, the bus where ever you see the barren land throw these balls, and some of them will grow somehow.
Even you can try some seed plantation and carry the plants once it is healthy.
It will turn into a big plant one day, making you a landmark for a shadow sometimes.
- Collect the Alphonso hapus seeds to make the soil balls, and put these Alphonso Hapus seeds; let them pat dry for some time.
- Once dried, whenever you go for any outing, throw these seeds one by one in the area, which helps in forestation for us, and let's say the tree grows in some years.
- You can tell I planted this tree.
- You usually have questions. Generally, One tree takes how long for a fruiting to produce fruit, approximately five(5) to Eight (8) years.
- You can help our Humanity to grow forests with flora and fauna.
Reference of Aam in Varah Puran for mango plantation
There is a reference for this in the ancient text also. Varah Puran (172.39) says that –
Person who does the Plantation of plants like
- One peepal (Ficus religiosa),
- One neem (Azadirachta indica)
- One Bargad (Vad, Banyan)
- Two Anar (pomegranates)
- Two Santra (orange)
- Five Amra phal Tree (Aam, Amba, mango trees)
- Ten flowering plants or creeper
He shall never go to hell and only go to Heaven (Swarga).
How to Plant a Mango Seed
- Take a very ripe aam; you can eat them first by peeling it and cutting the fruit away from the center of the fruit without cutting through or damaging the seed.
- Remove any leftover mango pulp from the seed, which is called Koy in Marathi.
- Clean and wash the seed gently under running tap water.
- Carefully Cut the seed cover and open it with a sharp blade or knife with a gentle cut.
- Do this carefully, as you don't want to damage the seed inside.
- Remove the seed and throw the upper husk away.
- The seed will be in the shape of kidney-shaped, with whitish color and a lighter area on top called the eye.
- Take a planting container to fill it with soil, preferably with coco peat mix if available, or put the only land that makes a small drainage hole in the pots as whatever water you put later needs to drain slowly, passing through seed and soil.
- Now just put some soil and fill the pot wet the little bits like moisten it.
- Now dig a small hallow section in the soil that you have filled. Keep the seed inside where the eye part of the seed should face upward. You can add small turmeric powder near the grain, which helps germinate and the natural health of seed sprouting.
- Cover this seed with a little bit of soil. It said that you plant the seed in summer-like in April, May, or June. It will sprout somewhere in June. The seed will start germinating in a few weeks.
- Initially, for some days, water your plant with little lukewarm water whenever you feel the soil is a bit dry.
- As thumb rules, please understand that they don't need much water.
- Initially, you need to handle and take care of this plant as a baby later. It takes care of itself.
- Once the tree grows for two years plus, replant the plant in an outdoor location when it's strong enough to take care of them.
Mango Online
Hi I want Ratnagiri Alphonso mango seeds to buy. How much for 100 seeds?
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