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Saffron Red Gold Spice of Kashmir / mongra saffron

Safron strands | Kashmiri Safron | Safron Threads - AlphonsoMango.in

Safron strands | Kashmiri Safron | Safron Threads

Saffron the Red Spice

Saffron, or Saffron, in French, is the costliest spice globally.

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So, most of us use just a little of it.


The process of making this spice is labor-intensive and difficult. It is collected by hand from the Crocus Sativus flower.

The threads we use in the kitchen come from this flower. Beyond cooking, this spice has medicinal properties.

In old Greece, people would eat it to boost mood, increase fertility, and improve memory.

What is Saffron used for Health Benefits?

It is a powerful healing chemical. It contains various plant compounds that are naturally healing chemicals.

They help protect your cells against oxidative stress and dangerous body-damaging chemicals.

Health Benefits

This spice comprises of crocin, crocetin, safranal, Kaempferol. Carotenoids like crocetin and crocin this spice it color.

These compounds can act as antidepressants, protect brain cells, fight swellings, and help reduce weight by lowering the desire to eat.

Safranal gives the spice its flavor and smell. It improves mood, memory, and

learning and protecting the brain from healing chemicals.

Kaempferol is found in these flower petals and can help reduce swelling and depression and have

anti-cancer properties.

An a. This spice can mellow the signs of depression.

It is also known as "sunlight spice" because of its color. It can work as a mood booster and is more effective in treating the signs of mild-to-medium-level depression.

Some studies show found that eating 30 mg of this sunlight spice a day may be as effective as drugs that reduce depression.

The study also showed fewer people suffered side effects compared to standard treatment.

b. It can fight cancer. 

The healing chemicals in this spice help neutralize body-damaging chemicals linked to long-lasting sicknesses such as cancer.

Its compounds kill cancerous cells and hold down or stop them from growing and do not affect the

healthy cells.

Crocin can cause cancer cells to become more sensitive to drugs.

This spice reduces PMS symptoms. Saffron for PMS

PMS is a pre-menstrual disease that shows emotional, mental, and physical signs in women before a menstrual cycle.

Women aged 20-45 who eat this spice daily around 20-30 mg are better than medicine in treating PMS signs of sickness like headaches, pain, irritation, and hunger.

d. It increases sexual indulgence. 

Foods or products that help increase sex drive are called aphrodisiacs. This spice contains aphrodisiac-like properties that promote sexual wellness.

Women with reduced sex drive can have up to 30 mg of this spice for more than four weeks. They experience less pain.

e. This spice reduces appetite. 

It reduces the desire for increased eating, making you less likely to want snacks between meals.

People having this spice through meals desire to eat fewer snacks and lose much more weight than people who have weight-loss medicine.

It helps with weight loss and may raise mood, reducing your want to eat snacks.

f. This spice helps treat heart disease.

Its healing chemical properties can prevent blockages in the blood vessels and help lower cholesterol, which is the major cause of many heart problems

g. It helps in decreasing blood sugar. 

When given this spice, a person with blood sugar disease experiences increased insulin response and lower glycemic levels.

h. It may improve vision in the elderly. 

This spice seems to improve eyesight in people with age-related eye disease and protect it from damage by body-damaging chemicals connected with AMD.

You can add this spice easily to your diet. It goes well with delicious foods like biryani, sweet dishes, and many more.

Soak some threads in slightly hot or warm water to draw the full flavor. Add threads and the water for a deeper, richer flavor.

You can buy it in thread or powder form, but the stalks are more in demand as you know they are natural, without any adulteration.

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Mongra Saffron Laccha - AlphonsoMango.in

Mongra Saffron Laccha

Mongra Saffron Laccha

Mongra Saffron Laccha, which comes from Crocus sativus or the flower of saffron, is the world's most expensive spice. Its fibers are red styles and floral stains that are dried and collected over time.

Mongra Saffron

It gets its second-to-none flavor and straw-like smell from chemicals such as safranal and picrocrocin. The golden yellow color is because of crocin- a carotenoid color.

Mongra Saffron Price

Crocus sativus is a plant that blooms in autumn. Its once-a-year production is about 16000 kg.

In India, 5,707 hectares of land are used to grow this spice. 

The climate of Kashmir is ideal for the production of this spice.

The state's cold winters and warm, dry summers make it an ideal production site.

It develops inside crocus blossoms and should be picked by hand - a troublesome, tiring, complicated project.

For one gram of saffron, you need around 400 flowers! Its extended, red saffron threads have the most flavor, so the odds of each bloom bringing the ideal item are slim.

Each flower creates just three stigmas, so it will take around 75,000 blossoms to make a single pound of this spice.

Kashmiri Saffron Kesar

The Indian version of this flavorful spice has a pot with a curved top. Indian saffron is exclusively grown in Kashmir. It is a top-tier producer of this spice globally. Most of the land in the state is used to cultivate the herb.

Kashmiri Mongra Saffron

Saffron, produced in Pampore, a district 15 km from Srinagar, is considered the best quality of saffron. Pampore is known as the Saffron Town of India.

This spice is grown in Kishtwar as well. Pampore and areas around it produce about 2,128 kg each year. Kashmir saffron has three types: Laccha, Mongra saffron, and Zarda saffron. Mongra or Mogra saffron has stigmas that are dried in the sun. Mongra, with a yellowish tinge, is known for its high quality.

Red threads of mongra are the finest in this spice.

Saffron Kashmir Mongra

Zarda is the tail end part of the red filaments of the saffron flower.

Lacha saffron, with its spots, is separated from the flowers and is dried without processing. It falls in the grade 4 category. The three long and flat dark red threads with the yellowish-red tail in flower are called Laccha.

No other substance is added to this type, making it a natural flavoring and coloring agent in different food products. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine as it provides many health benefits. 

A kilogram contains eight hundred grams of Mogra Kesar, one hundred and seventy-five grams of yellow-red threads, Zarda, and twenty-five grams of flowers' dust. Kashmiri kind is among the most used varieties in various dishes for its flavor, aroma, and coloring properties.

Many cosmetics and beauty products use it too. This spice is one of the costliest spices in the world. It is called Gold Spice since it is costlier than gold.

No wonder people try to copy it and make money with less effort. You should know the following before you buy this spice:

  • The quality of this spice is determined by the three antioxidants present in them. These antioxidants are:
  1. Safranal - the spice gets its unique aroma from this element.
  2. Crocin- this property lends the spice that dark, rich red hue.
  3. Picocrocin- this element is responsible for the flavor of this spice.
  • Its fibers have a trumpet shape. The spice keeps its trumpet shape regardless of the collection process.
  • If you soak some strands in water, the genuine product would dye the water and stay the same color for 10 to 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, it'd start to turn orange. The fake kind immediately turns dark orange and darkens when put underwater in water.
  • Genuine product dyes the liquid, but its color never fades. It does not turn white or pale.
  • Genuine product has a sweet aroma but a bitter taste. The strands taste as bitter as tobacco.
  • Strands of this spice are not soluble in water. The strands dye water, but they do not dissolve in it.

This expensive spice is usually added to a cup of warm milk and some dry fruit to make Kesar Doodh. This beverage helps treat insomnia.

Storage: Store it in a slightly cold and dry spot to ensure wellbeing. Try not to freeze it and keep it away from direct daylight.

Saffron for Biryani

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