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The King of Mangoes - Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online / devghad hapus images

Devgad Hapus Online - AlphonsoMango.in

Devgad Hapus Online

Devgad Hapus Online

Mango is a universal favorite! Alphonso mango is the best of all the types of mango available in the market.

Looking for the best mangoes in the world? Look no further than Devgad Hapus mango!

These delicious and nutritious mangoes are grown in the Devgad taluka of Maharashtra, India, and are known for their sweet and creamy flavor. You can now buy Dev mangoes online from the best retailers for Devgad.

British who use to visit Devgad an Ratnagiri in those days use to call Mango is a Bathroom fruit.

So what are you waiting for? Order your Devgad Hapus mangoes today!

Buy alphonso mango online.

Military expert Alfonso de Albuquerque established the first Portuguese colony in India in Cochin. The Portuguese introduced the art of grafting to Indians.

And that's how our beloved Alphonso mango was born. Soon, Hapus aam cultivation spread its wings all across the nation.

The flavor of Hapus mango is susceptible to the soil and climate it is grown in. Konkan's volcanic soil and topography lent Hapus the distinct flavor and aroma we know today.

Alphonso Mango Online

Soon, Hapus from two districts, Devagad and Ratnagiri, gained popularity. Today Devgad mangoes and Ratnagiri mangoes have become a benchmark for quality.

Devgad Alphonso Mango

Devgad is a small district comprising 98 tiny villages. Around 45,000 hectares of land in Devgad are under mango cultivation.

What distinguishes Devgad hapus mango is its thick pulp. The mango has a relatively thinner skin but a thick pulp.

Unlike Devgad Alphonso mango, Ratnagiri Hapus has relatively thicker skin. Nevertheless, the flavor and aroma remain exquisite.

GI tag certified Dev Mangoes Online

The Government of India has awarded Devgad Hapus mangoes a Geographical Indication tag (GI tag). A GI tag indicates that a particular product is from a region specifically known for it. 

GI tag lends intellectual rights to the region's producers, farmers, and artisans. Thus, a GI tag is a hallmark of quality.

Buying Devgad mango online.

Lately, there has been a surge in Mango online shopping, with a growing number of buyers looking for shopping alternatives online. The following tips hope to make your online mango shopping  experience pleasant.

An a. Keep an eye on the mango season. Devgad mango season commences around the end of February and spans till May. Make sure you place your order during the season. Some websites also offer a pre-booking option.

b. Make sure you buy from a trusted website. One of the critical features of the Devgad Hapus mango is that it is naturally ripened.

Buy Hapus Aam online

However, some sellers may sell chemically ripened, carbide-ridden mangoes

To be sure of your Devgad Alphonso mango's quality, make sure that the website you're buying from sources their mangoes Like ours Alphonsomango.in

It is the oldest food processing company in the region producing and selling authentic Devgad Alphonso mango.

c. Read the return and exchange policy of the website you buy from carefully. This knowledge comes in handy in case of any issues with your products.

Devgad Alphonso mango is a delight that must be devoured and cherished with every bite!

Now you can buy Totapuri Mango also online

Buy Alphonso Mango


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Naturally ripened Devgad Hapus Mango.

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