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The King of Mangoes - Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online / alphonso mango rate

Mango Alphonso

Mango Alphonso Magic: Tropical Delight Unveiled

Unraveling the Allure of Mango Alphonso: A Tropical Delight

The Alphonso mango is often called the "King of Mango." This fruit is loved for its amazing taste, wonderful smell, and rich, creamy feel. It comes from the western parts of Hindusthan and has won over many mango fans around the globe.

The Alphonso mango has a bright yellow colour, smooth skin, and a sweet scent. It is a true tropical treat. In this article, we will look at where it comes from, how it grows, what makes it special, and how it can be used in cooking.

We will find out why this mango deserves its royal title and is still the best among all mangoes.

Key Highlights

  • Hapus Aam come from Bharat. They are well-known for their great taste, amazing smell, and bright look.
  • Ratnagiri and Devgad are two coastal areas in Maharashtra. They are famous for the best Hapus Amba.
  • A special mix of soil, weather, and farming creates high-quality mangoes.
  • Hapus Aam has a yellow-orange colour, a smooth feel, and a sweet taste with a slight tang.
  • Hapus Amba enhances Indian food, from old mango desserts to modern dishes.


Enjoy the great taste of Ratnagiri Alphonso mangoes. They come from India and are loved by many for their sweet flavour and pleasant smell. This is why they are known as the "King of Mangos."

These mangos bring happiness to many people around the world. They are very nutritious and have a special taste, aroma, feel, and colour. Let’s explore why these golden mangos, including the Totapuri type, are so special.

Exploring the Charm of Mangoes: Alphonso Ratnagiri, India's Tropical Delight

Alphonso mangoes come from India. They are essential in Indian cooking. These fruits are well-known for their great taste.

This special flavour comes from the perfect growing conditions and good farming practices. Many people all over the world love these mangoes.

They are popular not only in India but also in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Surat, Ahmedabad, Nashik, and Pune.

1. The Story of Royal Hapus: From History to Today's Joy

The story of Hapus mango began in the 16th century. Portuguese colonists came to India and brought new grafting methods.

This fruit is thought to be named after Afonso de Albuquerque. He was an important Portuguese general who helped create their colony in India. Over time, Hapus grew well on India's western coast.

The Approx Konkan region in Maharashtra, especially places like Ratnagiri and Devgad, became famous for these mangoes. Today, many people want Hapus from these areas because they are known for their great quality.

2. Sensory Journey: Devgad Mango Alphonso Color, Smell, and Taste Features

The charm of Mango Alphonso goes beyond just its taste. It starts with its pleasant smell and beautiful appearance. When ripe, these mangos shine in a bright golden-yellow colour.

The scent of a ripe Alphonso is amazing. It has a sweet fragrance with hints of honey and citrus.

This smell can take you straight to a tropical paradise. When it comes to taste, it's a nice mix of sweetness and a little tang. The texture is smooth and creamy, making each bite feel special.

Cultivating Quality: The Creation of a Top Fruit

The great quality of Hapus mangoes shows the hard work and skill of Indian farmers. It also highlights the nice weather in areas like Ratnagiri and Devgad. Key factors such as soil type, temperature, and rainfall help these mangoes to grow strong and tasty.

1. Amazing Places with GI Tag: The Importance of Indian Land

Ratnagiri and Devgad are famous in India for their Hapus mangoes. The Devgad Alphonso is known for its great quality. This quality comes from the unique land in these areas called Indian terroir.

The western coast of Maharashtra, especially Devgad, has the best climate for growing mangos. This attracts traders from all around the country. The cool breeze from the Arabian Sea and the red soil of Devgad provide the perfect conditions for growing these mangos.

The soil drains well and is slightly acidic, which is great for the Devgad Alphonso mango. It also gets plenty of sunshine and humidity, making the mangos sweet, fragrant, and delicious.

Seasonal Beauty: Times and Ways of Harvesting

Mangos, particularly Hapus, are a tasty treat that comes only in season. Hapus mangos are usually ready to pick from late February until June.

Each mango typically weighs about 200-300 grams, but an average mango weighs around 150-180 grams. Unlike some fruits you find in stores, Alphonso Hapus ripen while still on the trees.

During ripening, starches turn into sugars, making the mangos sweet and giving them a pleasant smell. Farmers use old methods to ensure the best taste and ripeness.

For example, you can wrap the mangoes in hay and store them in a cool, dark place. This special season and the different average weights of the fruits make the Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango even more appealing.

A Food Treasure: Mango Alphonso Ratnagiri in Indian Cooking

Mango Alphonso from Ratnagiri tastes amazing when it's fresh. These mangoes are liked in Indian cooking. They bring a lovely touch to both traditional and modern recipes. Their sweet and tangy flavour is just right for many different dishes.

  • Traditional Sweets: Mango Treats and Desserts

In India, buying Mango Alphonso online means you get to enjoy some tasty food. People locally refer to them as "Hafus" or hapus. These mangoes are perfect for making sweets and desserts.

For example, traditional treats like 'Aamras' and 'Mango Shrikhand' use fresh Hafus. You can find good-quality mango Hafus on alphonsomango.in, along with other types like Banganapalli mangoes. 'Aamras' is smooth mango pulp that tastes great with 'Puri,' a deep-fried bread.

Another delicious choice is 'Mango Kulfi,' which is a creamy ice cream. Banganapalli mangoes are a favourite for making these traditional sweets too.

2. Modern Twists: Mixed Foods and Unique Creations

Mangoes are becoming very popular in cooking all over India. In cities like Navi Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Hyderabad, and Chennai, people are using mangoes in many new recipes.

Chefs are adding this fruit to salads, salsas, cheesecakes, mousses, and even savoury dishes.

They mix Indian flavours with foods from other countries. This change shows how the mango is moving from a traditional fruit to an important part of modern cooking.

Preserving the King: Storage and Ripening Process

To enjoy the tasty Alphonso mangos, you need to store and ripen them properly, even when they are only in season for a brief time. Let’s find out how to keep them fresh and make their flavour even better.

1. Home Storage Tips: Extending Freshness

To keep your mangoes fresh and tasty, store them at room temperature. Keep them away from direct sunlight until they are ripe. Once they are ripe, you can put them in the fridge for up to a week to make them last longer. Do not place mangoes in plastic bags.

This can trap moisture and spoil them faster. Instead, wrap each mango in a newspaper or put them in a container that allows good airflow. Also, do not use carbide to ripen mangoes, as it can be harmful to your health.

2. Tips for Ripe Fruits: Getting the Best Taste

Professional mango workers have special ways to help Alphonso mangoes ripen just right. Here are some of these methods:



Self Generated Ethylene Treatment

Exposing mangoes to controlled amounts of ethylene self-generated gas accelerates and standardizes the ripening method, ensuring uniform looks and texture.

Humidity Control

Maintaining optimal humidity levels prevents moisture loss and maintains the mango's plumpness and juiciness.

Temperature Regulation

Storing mangoes at specific temperatures slows down or speeds up the ripening method based on market demand.

It is important to practice safe ripening for mangoes. Doing this helps keep harmful chemicals, like carbide, away. This practice is good for the health of people and helps maintain the name of the Alphonso mango industry.


In conclusion, the Alphonso mango is a symbol of India’s tropical beauty. It has a deep history and offers a wonderful taste.

Its royal past has inspired many great dishes. People around the globe love Alphonso mangoes.

Careful farming and drying help keep this "King of Mangoes" as the top fruit. You can eat it in traditional meals or experiment with different recipes.

The Alphonso mango continues to impress everyone. Enjoy this amazing fruit and feel the happiness it brings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Alphonso mango is known as the 'King of Mangoes’ for several reasons. It has a sweet taste and a smooth feel. People enjoy its rich yellow colour and special aroma.

The Alphonso mango is seen as a symbol of quality among other mangoes. A lot of folks think it is the best mango in the world. Its flavour is different, and many people love it.

The Alphonso mango is called "royal" because it has a unique taste. This taste combines sweetness with a bit of tanginess. Its lovely smell, bright colour, and smooth feel add to its appeal. It is truly a great fruit.

Mango Alphonso Online? Mango Alphonso Devgad?

When you want to buy Mango Alphonso online, it's important to choose trustworthy sellers. They should use safe and careful methods to ripen and handle the fruit.

Look for sellers like us who promise the quality and real taste of Hapus mangoes. This way, you can enjoy the wonderful flavour of this "King of Mangoes" delivered right to your home.

How can you tell if a Hapoos from Konkan Alphonso mango is real?

Authentic Hapoos mangoes come from Ratnagiri, specifically the Alphonso and Devgad kinds. You can recognize them by their bright saffron-yellow colour and unique shades.

They have a strong sweet smell that stands out. When these mangoes are ripe, they feel soft when you gently press them.

What makes Mango Alphonso Price per kg or Pc in Mumbai, Pune, thane more than other types like Totapuri, Kesar, and Banganapalli?

The high price of Mango Alphonso, especially from Ratnagiri Hapus and Devgad Alphonso, is for several reasons. First, these mangoes need special farming methods.

They also only grow in small areas. There is more demand than supply. Lastly, they are known for their great taste and quality in places like Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Delhi NCR, and Bengaluru.

Can Alphonso mangoes be grown outside India?

Many people have tried to grow Alphonso mangoes in other countries. But it's tough to recreate the unique soil and weather that can be found in Ratnagiri and Devgad.

These special conditions make the mangoes taste so good. That’s why it’s hard to grow them in different places.

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Aam Churan Amchur - AlphonsoMango.in

Aam Churan Amchur

Aam Churan Amchur

 Amchur is an Indian spice made from dried, unripe mangoes.

To produce amchur, Hapus mangoes are harvested at the beginning of the season when they are green.

You can Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online

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They are then peeled, sliced, ​​and dried in the sun.

Dried mangoes look like dried mushroom powder color, which are then ground into powder or sold on the ground at home.

You can buy Pulp from Alphonso Mangoes Online.

Amchur has a honey-like, powdery yet sweet and sour smell.

In terms of taste, it is sour yet sweet but not overpowering.

It is ideal for adding to any dish, especially in Indian cuisine, as it adds a sweet layer of the sweet, citrus complex.

It is commonly used as a seasoning for samosas and baguettes.

Also, it is a great alternative to lemon or lime juice, especially when you do not want to add moisture to a dish.

Although Amchur is used all over India, it is essential in North Indian or Punjabi cuisine.

How to make amchur

Here is how amchur is made in 6 simple steps:

  1. The first step is to select the unripe mangoes. 
  2. After this, they are cut to smaller sizes.
  3. The pieces are then kept under the sun until completely dry. 
  4. The dried mangoes are then ground into a smooth powder form.
  5. It is packaged, manufactured, and shipped to the market for sale in companies. 
  6. The mango powder is sometimes processed with turmeric powder to keep insects and pests away. It also helps production and storage. 

Mango powder makes fruit salads, salad dressings, or dips. 

Alphonso Mango Rate in Delhi

A single teaspoon of amchur powder provides you:

  • 36 Calories
  • 9 g Carbohydrates
  • 0 g Sugar
  • 0 g Protein
  • 2 g Fiber

Benefits of Amchur Aam Churan

  • High in iron: It has high amounts of iron. Thus, it is excellent for expecting women and people with various blood-related diseases.
  • Phenolic compounds: These compounds have powerful healing chemicals and anti-cancer properties. These are present in abundance in this spice.
  • Benefits heart: Mango helps control cholesterol. It also controls blood pressure. Thus, this spice improves heart health.
  • Boosts metabolism: The healing chemical properties in this spice boost the processing and absorption of food in the blood. This increased food processing aids weight loss.

Amchur is an incredible and delicious spice that you must have!

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