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Dry Fruits / how many walnuts during pregnancy

Pecan Nuts During Pregnancy - AlphonsoMango.in

Pecan Nuts During Pregnancy

Pecan Nuts during Pregnancy

From trying to conceive to labor pain, you have many daily changes.

Your body and food with morning sickness, mood swings, and everyday nausea changes.

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Pregnancy is the time when you have to think of not only you but also your baby.

Those days are a bundle of joy. 

You are inquisitive about what to eat, what to avoid, and which food will help your baby in the womb.

How much does your diet change during pregnancy?

Not only are you changing your food to manage the effects of morning sickness, but also important to understand which food your choices affect the health and growth of you and your baby.

A balanced diet and maintaining healthy food during pregnancy are essential to caring for yourself and your little bundle of joy.

What is the role of Nuts during Pregnancy?

Nuts are a great choice to munch on during your pregnancy. 

It might be morning hunger pangs or evening hunger pangs of your favorite junk foods.

Since Nuts are a storehouse of 

Healthy fat 

Healthy fats in pregnancy are essential for building a baby's proper eye and brain development.


Proteins have a vital role in your pregnancy. 

They help the growth of new and repair damaged tissues.

It starts creating antibodies for the baby's immune system. 

Making enzymes and hormones.


During pregnancy, all nutrients play an important role.

But these six nutrient minerals play a key role in your baby's growth and development during pregnancy:


Calcium is a mineral that helps your baby's teeth, heart, nerves develop, bones, and muscles.

During pregnancy, you need around 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily.

You can get this required amount by taking your food or prenatal vitamin capsules or eating natural nuts and food with much calcium.


In pregnancy, while you enjoy those days, the blood volume in your body increases as you are not single now. You are two.

So does the need for an amount of iron increase?

You need at least 27 milligrams of iron during this period.

Your body uses iron to supply more oxygen through the blood to your baby.

You might be anemic during pregnancy if you don't have iron stores in your body. 

You need to get enough iron sources during pregnancy.  

Folic acid

From Conceiving to baby formation days in your womb during early pregnancy, folic acid helps form the neural tube.

Folic acid plays an important aspect that can help prevent major congenital disabilities of the baby's brain, called anencephaly

In medical terms, this folic acid also forms the spine, called Spina Bifida.

The neural tube forms the early spine and brain.

Your daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid is required during pregnancy.

DHA Omega -3 Fatty Acid

Omega 3 fatty acid supports a baby's eyes, brain & nervous system development.

Daily DHA has improved birth weight, and preterm labor supports childbirth in new mothers.

During pregnancy, you need at least 200 milligrams of this powerful omega-3 fatty acid daily to support the development of your baby and you.

Vitamin D.

Generally, every person needs vitamin D. 

Which is absorbed naturally through food or the sun directly.

Vitamin D absorbs calcium and the right amount of phosphate.

It is one of the top 6 important minerals in pregnancy as it helps develop your baby's kidneys, heart, teeth, bones, and nervous system.


Nutrition like iodine in mothers during pregnancy if it is low, which is associated with increased risk of loss in pregnancy and infant mortality.

Iodine is one of the essential nutrients that make thyroid hormones.

A baby's normal brain development requires a satisfactory thyroid hormone in pregnancy.


Eating good fiber-rich foods during lactation and pregnancy helps decrease diabetes risk, prevent constipation, and promote heart health.

Eating fiber-rich food reduces the risks of high blood pressure (hypertension) disorder that can occur during pregnancy risks and provides nutrient‐rich food with low energy density.

Nuts during Pregnancy  

Protein, fiber, and minerals. Plus, they're nutrient-dense food, so you don't have to eat a lot to satisfy your hunger.

It is ideal for those pregnant women who struggle with nausea or tend to get full quickly toward the end of pregnancy.

Pecan nuts are delicious and packed with nutrients that can offer a range of health benefits. 

Here are ten amazing health benefits of pecans:

1. Natural source of antioxidants that can help protect the body against damage from free radicals.

2. Improve cholesterol levels by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.

3. Help lower blood pressure by keeping arteries healthy and relaxed.

4. Prevent cognitive decline by improving blood flow to the brain.

5. Protect against type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. 

6. Reduce cancer risk by fighting against harmful toxins and free radicals.

7. Help improve joint health by reducing inflammation.

8. Aid in weight loss efforts by helping to regulate appetite and metabolism.

9. Help improve gut health by promoting regularity and preventing constipation.

Versatile and delicious pecan nut that offers multiple health benefits during pregnancy.

So, you can add them to your pregnancy diet today and enjoy their goodness!

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Best Dry Fruits for Breastfeeding Moms - AlphonsoMango.in

Best Dry Fruits for Breastfeeding Moms

Nourish Your Baby: Dry Fruits to Increase Breast Milk

As a parent, it's crucial to grasp the significance of your infant's milk diet to ensure their well-being and quick energy. 

These days, most babies are breastfed, and mothers are well aware of its importance for themselves and their infants. 

Experts recommend breastfeeding for at least two years to enhance the child's health. 

It's essential to remember that what you eat will pass on to your child through your maternal milk, making it vital for the mother to maintain a healthy diet. 

Breastfeeding is considered Ambrosia or Amrut in Hindi, providing nourishment and immunity to the newborn. 

Additionally, Breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits to the mother as well. As a new mom, your body is in the procedure of making milk 24 x 7.

For nursing mothers, dry fruits are an outstanding natural and vegan source of nutrition.

Buy dry fruits to increase breast milk

A breastfeeding mother is also called a Nursing mother. Dry fruits to increase breast milk is the best diet for nursing moms.

What is Breast milk or mother's milk?

 It is newborns' primary source of nutrition. It is enriched with multiple vitamins and minerals, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, and other essential nutrients. 

The mammary glands, located on the chest of a human female, have this milk. These glands, called breasts, consist of tissue, fat, and connective tissue that contain the glands responsible for making milk for your infant. 

The size of the breast does not matter.

The size of your breasts does not matter when breastfeeding your child. Whether you have small, medium, or large breasts, you will always have enough milk for your newborn. 

Your breasts start preparing to produce milk for your child early in pregnancy. 

By the second trimester, you may begin making colostrum, a nutrient-rich substance your little sweety needs during their first few days of life. 

After your baby is born, hormones such as Prolactin, oxytocin, and Serotonin signal your breasts to produce more milk. 

While Prolactin is a special helper in your body, it's like a tiny factory worker who builds delicious milk for your baby and helps your breasts prepare for feeding. It even works on other jobs, like keeping things balanced inside you. This little worker looks like other helpers called growth hormone and placental lactogen, so they must be good friends!

The more your child breastfeeds, the more milk you will produce. Your breasts will always pay as much milk as your infant needs. Every nursing mom is worried about having milk. Dry fruits to increase breast milk is the best option.

What are the best dry fruits to increase breast milk supply?

Almonds, cashews, and dates are some of the best dry fruits to increase breast milk supply. These dry fruits are rich in essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, and vitamins that can promote milk production and nourish both mother and baby. Adding dry fruits to increase breast milk will be the best advice for nursing mothers.

Breastfeeding Mother Benefits

Breastfeeding can help a newborn feel full and content and may lead to a satisfied burp or smile.

Other than this, it also helps reduce the risk of type II diabetes, ovarian cancer, high blood pressure in the mother, and also from breast cancer.

Studies have shown that those women who breastfeed their kids are likely to have less chance of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cancers.

Every new mother wonders how to increase their breast milk supply.

Multiple foods help with breastfeeding supply.

There are multiple changes in women's bodies during and after pregnancy as you nurture a delicate little life dependent on a nursing mother's food. Dry fruits to increase breast milk are a healthy and effective option for increasing milk production. They are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that can boost milk supply. Almonds, cashews, dates, and raisins are some of the most recommended dry fruits for nursing mothers. These foods not only provide the necessary nourishment but also help in maintaining good overall health. Additionally, incorporating a variety of dry fruits into your diet can add flavour and texture to your meals while providing various health benefits, including supporting the body's immune system.

So dry fruits are always a healthy delight for your breastfeeding babies.

Dry fruits contain nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fats, and calcium.

What types of dried fruits can improve Breastfeeding production?

Which food can provide essential nutrients for a baby's growth and development?

There are many you can read further, which helps in your journey of motherhood.

Dry fruits for Breast enlargements

Suppose you're looking to increase your breast size for cosmetic or infant nursing purposes. Add nuts like pecans, cashews, walnuts, and peanuts to your diet. These nuts and Dry fruits are high in proteins and healthy fats, which can benefit your overall health. Pistachios have the highest content of phytoestrogens among recommended nuts. 

At the same time, almonds, cashews, and walnuts also contain high levels of phytoestrogens. This supplementary dose of estrogen can be beneficial for breast growth. 

Dried nuts and fruits are also a natural source of monounsaturated and unsaturated fats that can aid breast tissue development.

Phytoestrogens are naturally taking place compounds found in plants and plant-based foods. They can mimic the effects of estrogen produced by the body when consumed.

Some caution on this

Phytoestrogens, when taken in high doses, can increase breast size by exciting the growth of breast tissue. However, using estrogen in this way is not safe as it can encourage breast cells to grow, which increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

Dry fruits during Breastfeeding, how to add them?

Dry fruits during Breastfeeding demand extra energy and a powerhouse of nutrients for both mama and baby. 

Enter the humble dry fruit! These sweet bites pack a punch of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, making them perfect partners for nursing moms. 

But how do you weave them into your balanced diet without getting overwhelmed? Worry not, mamma! Here's the scoop:

Dry fruit Laddoo: Looking for a healthy and delicious snack that's easy to make? Try making some scrumptious Dry Fruit Laddoos! They're packed with nutrients and bursting with flavour. Perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while still being good for you.

Snack Smart: Ditch sugar-laden treats and grab a handful of apricots, raisins, or dates for a naturally sweet and energizing snack. Toss them into your yoghurt, oatmeal, or smoothies for a textural delight.

Breakfast Bliss: Start your day on a protein-packed note with some almonds or cashews mixed into your cereal. Want it creamy? Blend them into a banana smoothie for a delicious and nutritious boost.

Lunchtime Crunch: Add chopped walnuts or pistachios to your salad for omega-3 goodness and healthy fats. They'll keep you feeling satisfied until dinner.

Dinner Power-Up: Don't shy away from using dry fruits in savoury dishes! Prunes in stews or curries add a touch of sweetness and depth. And who can resist a warm, gooey date and nut-stuffed naan?

Hydration Hero: Infuse water with your favourite dried fruits like berries or oranges for a refreshing and vitamin-rich drink. It's a healthier alternative to sugary sodas and keeps you hydrated on the go.

Remember, moderation is key! While dry fruits are unique, overindulging can upset your tummy. Stick to a handful or two daily and choose varieties lower in sugar, like figs or cranberries.

So, embrace the versatility of dry fruits and enjoy their delicious journey on your breastfeeding adventure! They'll nourish you, keep you energized, and maybe even satisfy your sweet tooth (while giving your little one a vitamin boost, too!). Happy snacking, mamma!

Dry Fruits for Feeding Mothers | Best Dry Fruits for Breastfeeding Mothers

Dry fruits for feeding mothers are an excellent source of nutrition, especially during the postpartum recovery period. They provide essential nutrients like Iron, calcium, and vitamins that help produce breast milk and support the overall growth and development of the baby through breast milk. Almonds, cashews, dates, and raisins are some of the best dry fruits for breastfeeding mothers. These dry fruits can be consumed as snacks or added to meals like oatmeal or smoothies to boost their nutritional value and provide a quick energy boost, making them a convenient and healthy snack option. Cashews, in particular, are rich in healthy fats, proteins, zinc, and Iron, which play a vital role in postpartum recovery. Adding cashews to your diet can support your baby's overall growth and development through breastmilk and provide you with strength and essential vitamins to keep you fit and active.

Meanwhile, dates provide adequate energy, especially during the postpartum period when you may feel tired. They are rich in fibre, and Iron, and consuming them can benefit in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation as well. During the postpartum period, when you may feel tired, consuming dates can provide adequate energy and help control bowel movements, thanks to their rich fibre and iron content.

Mamra badam during Breastfeeding

For centuries, a secret has bloomed on the branches of the almond tree: the power of Mamra Badam for lactating mothers. This humble nut, bursting with nature's goodness, isn't just delicious; it's a treasure trove of benefits for Mom and Mini-Me. One dry fruit that breastfeeding moms commonly consume is Mamra badam, also known as almonds.

Snack on soaked almond milk and raw or roasted nuts during Breastfeeding. Mamra Badam, also known as almonds, is an excellent choice for lactating mothers looking to increase their breast milk production and ensure their infants receive a healthy and balanced diet. This highly nutritious food boasts an extensive range of antioxidants, potassium, calcium, and vitamin E. Mamra badam consumption during Breastfeeding is beneficial due to its high nutrient content and potential to enhance milk production, including the production of breast milk, making it an ideal addition to a lactating mother's diet. It can also provide quick energy and aid in bone health. Dates are also recommended as they provide adequate energy, fibre, and Iron. Mamra badam during Breastfeeding is beneficial due to its potential to enhance milk production. Almonds are considered a galactagogue, a substance that promotes breast milk production.


California Almonds during Breastfeeding

As a lactating mother, your daily calcium need is 1250 mg daily.

Amino acids in almonds are great building blocks for Serotonin, a neurotransmitter known during lactation.

Almonds are super nuts during the lactation period.

They are Packed with healthy antioxidants, fats, vitamins, and calcium nuts that can boost your milk.

Almonds are a great choice if your milk supply is low for your baby.

Can a breastfeeding mother have dry fruits?

Yes, dry fruits are an excellent snack for breastfeeding mothers. They are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that can increase breast milk production. However, consuming them in moderation is necessary to avoid any digestive issues.

Dry Fruits for Breastfeeding Mothers

Building Strong Foundations: Think of these tiny powerhouses as baby bone builders. It is packed with calcium, the king of solid bones, and manganese, the bone architect's toolbox. Magnesium joins the party, ensuring proper nerve development and keeping things running smoothly.

Beyond Bones: But Mamra Badam isn't just about bricks and mortar. The goodness of fibre keeps things moving, while riboflavin boosts your baby's brain. Folate joins the team, building a healthy neural tube for a thriving little mind.

Sharing the Bounty: The benefits aren't one-sided! For Moms, Mamra Badam offers fiber for digestion, protein for energy, and healthy fats for keeping you feeling your best. So, every crunch is a celebration of shared health and happiness.

Making Mamra Magic: Whether you prefer raw, soaked, or blended into a creamy almond milk, Mamra Badam is easy to incorporate into your diet. Add them to smoothies, sprinkle them on salads, or enjoy a handful as a nutritious snack.

Remember, Mamra Badam is a journey, not a destination. It's a commitment to giving your child the healthiest start and enjoying your newfound strength. So, embrace the nutty goodness, Mamra Badam, and the magic of motherhood, one delicious bite at a time!

Apricots during Breastfeeding

Incorporating apricots and dates into a breastfeeding mother's diet can effectively increase the hormone prolactin responsible for milk production. 

Apricots offer an excellent source of dietary fibre, potassium, and vitamins A and C, all essential for the child's immune system. 

Additionally, the fibre content in apricots can aid digestion, a crucial factor during lactation. 

Moreover, apricots contain phytoestrogens, which can efficiently regulate lactation hormones.

Adding apricots to your diet can help maintain a healthy digestive system and alleviate discomfort associated with constipation. The dietary fibre content in apricots aids in promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation, a common issue breastfeeding mothers face. Additionally, apricots provide the necessary dietary fiber that supports overall gut health and helps maintain a balanced diet during lactation.

Here is the nutritional information for apricots per 100-gram serving.  

Calories- 250

Total fat- 0.4 g

Saturated fat- 0.1 g

Cholesterol- 0 mg

Total carbohydrates- 62 g

Dietary fibre- 7 g

Protein- 4 g

Vitamin A- 15% Vitamin C- 8%

Calcium- 6% Iron- 10%

Prunes is a rich source of Iron

Dried Figs during the lactation period

Dried figs also serve as a natural galactagogue. Figs are a good source of calcium.

Dried figs also contain phytoestrogens, which help keep the hormones involved in lactation steady.

Calcium-rich dried fruits like figs, apricots, and dates also help with milk production.

Dried Figs are rich in Iron, which is necessary for red blood cell production.

They also contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium, crucial for bone health and lactation to help milk production.

They are accommodating during the lactation period.

Dates Khajoor during Breastfeeding

Dates Khajur are an excellent source of energy and help increase milk production.

Dates Khajoor also contains Iron necessary for the baby's development.

Khajur is known for its benefits during Breastfeeding, improving copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, Vitamin B6, calcium, and Iron.

Dates to the mothers, all these nutrients and vitamins also pass from the mother's body to your baby. Dates daily help your baby and you from iron deficiency and Immune function.

Pistachios for lactating mothers

Always unsalted Pistachios are much better than salted ones during Breastfeeding.

Salted might lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Pistachios are rich in protein and essential fatty acids.

They are good in Iron and calcium and full of antioxidants

They help to increase milk production and are also known to improve the quality of Breastfeeding.

Pistachios are a great natural source of omega-3 fatty acids that can help develop a baby's brain.

Walnuts during Breastfeeding

Walnut (Akhrot) is one of the best nuts for lactating mothers. Walnuts are a good source for you and your fetus's nervous system.

The amino acids in nuts are building blocks for Serotonin.

One dry fruit that breastfeeding moms commonly consume is Mamra badam, also known as almonds. Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that aid in a baby's brain development.

This chemical in lactating mothers carries messages between the brain and your body's nerve cells for milk. 

Serotonin is a necessary neurotransmitter for lactation.

Serotonin is a natural body chemical that acts as a messenger between nerve cells in the brain and throughout your body. 

 The highest concentration of Serotonin is in walnuts (155 ± 57.0 µg/g per 100 grams). Serotonin in walnuts is the highest among all nuts.

Walnuts are an excellent natural plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the baby's brain development.

They also contain vitamin E, essential for the mother's skin and hair health.

If you feel a low milk supply for your baby, you can snack on raw or roasted walnuts Akhrot.

You can add them in the soaked format in early morning food, create a smoothie, cookie, or salad, or even have it in your evening hunger pangs.

Cashew Nuts for Breastfeeding Mothers | Dry Fruits after Delivery

Dry fruits like Cashews are rich in Iron and magnesium after delivery.

They help to increase milk production and are also known to improve the quality and flow of Breastfeeding.

Furthermore, cashew calcium is beneficial for developing a baby's healthy bone development.

Dried Prunes during Breastfeeding

Dried Prunes are tongue-taste twisters for those who have lost their taste or bitter tongue during lactation. It helps you.

Prunes are a good source of fibre during Breastfeeding, which helps with digestion.

They also contain vitamins A and C, essential for the baby's immune system.

Drinking dried prunes due to a good amount of fibre helps your baby's constipation. Prunes help in the healthy vision of the baby with proper hydration.

Indian Raisins for lactating mothers

Raisins are a naturally vegan source of Iron necessary for red blood cell production.

Dry grapes for breastfeeding mothers help digestion. 

You can soak them overnight, drink water in the morning, and eat them early. 

Raisins also contain natural calcium, which is essential for the bone health of a baby.


Peaches are a natural fruit source of vitamins A and C, essential for the baby's immunity.

They also contain natural digestive fibre, which helps with digestion. 


Oranges are a citrus fruit with an excellent source of vitamin C, essential for the baby's immune system.

They keep you hydrated and fresh since nursing mothers require more vitamin C.

It is an immunity booster with Vitamin C.

It helps absorb more Iron from the food you consume.

They also contain digestive fibre, which helps with digestion.


Do you know that Mangoes are highly beneficial for breastfeeding mothers? Yes, that's right! Mangoes are packed with essential nutrients that can help boost lactation and provide numerous health benefits for both the mother and the baby. So, if you are a nursing mom, don't forget to add some delicious and juicy mangoes to your diet. Apricots are another great fruit to include in your breastfeeding diet. Apricots, known for their rich nutritional content, offer significant benefits for lactating women. These small, orange-coloured fruits contain essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, dietary fibre and potassium.

Nuts & Seeds for Nursing Mothers

Nuts are an excellent natural vegan source of protein and essential calcium, Iron, antioxidants, and fatty acids for nursing mothers.

Nuts can boost your baby's milk with healthy vitamins and minerals while feeding. 

Sunflower Seeds for Nursing Mothers

Sunflower seeds are an excellent natural healthy source of vitamin E, essential for the mother's skin and hair health.

They also contain an excellent quantity of magnesium necessary for the baby's development.

These seeds pack large doses of vitamins, minerals, and folic acid and have good fats that help your body produce milk for your baby.

You can sprinkle them over laddu, granola bars, or salads, and you can use 

them in smoothies or shakes, or enjoy them as a munching evening snack.

Pumpkin Seeds During Breastfeeding 

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for the baby's brain development.

They are high in Iron, fibre, and zinc, necessary for the immune system, brain cells, and nerve development.

Flaxseeds for Nursing Mothers

Flaxseeds are also known as linseeds. 

Flaxseeds are rich in fibre, which helps with digestion.

They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the baby's brain development.

They are a good laxative. It can help lactating mothers as a good laxative.

You can eat them as mukhwas after lunch and dinner, along with ajwain, as it helps ease your bowel movement and doesn't keep your baby gassy.  

Chia Seeds during Breastfeeding

Chia seeds are an excellent vegan natural source of omega-3 fatty acids for the baby's brain development.

These nutritious seeds are a superfood for you and your baby with multiple vitamins, dietary fibres, nutrition, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and minerals.

These are some of the best dry fruits for Nursing mothers.

Including them in your diet will not only help increase milk production. Still, it will also provide essential nutrients for the baby's growth and development.

In all, keep your body well-hydrated. 

Drink lots of water, and smoothies with dry fruits are the most healthy options to help you avoid constipation during lactation.

What nuts should I avoid while breastfeeding?

If you have allergies to nuts like peanuts, your body might have a habit of forming gas.

Then, no evidence suggests you should avoid them (or any peanut foods like masala peanuts, peanut chutney, or peanut butter) while nursing your mother. 

Or if you have any nut-specific nut allergy which is known to you.

If you're worried about it or your baby is developing a food allergy, speak to your doctor or health visitor.

Please check with your registered dietitian for part of a balanced diet with exact shelf life, dietary fibre, and vital nutrients.

Benefits of Mamra Badam

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Nuts during pregnancy - AlphonsoMango.in

Nuts during pregnancy

Nuts During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is when many women are concerned about their diet and what they should or shouldn't eat.

There is much advice, and it can be hard to know what to believe.

It's no secret that it is a time of huge changes for your body.

But did you know your eating can also impact your baby's development?

Including them in your diet in this days can benefit you and your little one; studies have shown the same.

Regarding them, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, they are a great source of protein and essential fatty acids, which are important for a healthy gestation.

They're also high in fiber, which can help constipation (a common problem during this period). 

They are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including pregnant women.

They are a good source of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals.

However, a few things to remember when eating them during this period include the risk of food allergies and the potential for certain to interact with medications.

Health benefits of eating nuts during pregnancy

Eating them during this days has been linked to some health benefits, including:

  • Brain development: They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids essential for brain development.
  • Reduced risk of preeclampsia: Preeclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication that can cause high blood pressure and damage to the liver and kidneys. Eating them has been shown to reduce the risk of preeclampsia by up to 50%.
  • Reduced risk of gestational diabetes: Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during this days. Eating them has been shown to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes by up to 28%.
  • Reduced risk of low birth weight: They are a good source of protein and other vital nutrients for fetal growth and development. Eating them has been shown to reduce the risk of low birth weight by up to 20%.

Risks of eating nuts during pregnancy

One of the main risks of eating them during this period is the risk of food allergies. Food allergies are more common in children, but adults can also develop them.

If you have a nut allergy, you should avoid eating them.

Another risk of eating them during this period is the potential for certain of them to interact with medications.

For example, almonds can interact with blood thinners, and peanuts can interact with certain antidepressants.

If you take any medications, talk to your doctor before eating them.

Nuts During Pregnancy

They are a great vegan source of essential nutrients like healthy fats, vitamins, protein, and minerals.

Packed with antioxidants, which help protect you against some of the harmful effects of free radicals.

Eating them in this period is linked to a lower risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

They are also thought to help improve brain development in babies and may even reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life.

So if you're looking for a nutritious, delicious snack that will benefit you and your baby, reach for a handful of nuts!

Be sure to choose unsalted varieties and limit your intake to a few ounces daily.

Nuts During Pregnancy Health Benefits

Eating them this days has several health benefits for both mother and child.

Prenatal intake of them has been associated with a lower risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

Additionally, they are a good source of essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Full of antioxidants, which can help protect against some of the harmful effects of free radicals.

They have also been shown to improve brain development in babies.

A recent study found that women who ate more than 50 gram of them per week during those days were likely to have children with higher IQ scores.

Another study found that prenatal exposure to peanuts may reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life.

So if you're looking for a nutritious, delicious nutty snack that will benefit you and your baby, reach for a handful of them!

Be sure to choose unsalted varieties and limit your intake to a few ounces daily.

They are an excellent source of nutrition during this days and offer many benefits for both mother and child.

Nuts Benefits in Pregnancy

Including them & dry fruits in your diet can help lower the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight and improve a baby's brain development.

They are also full of antioxidants, which can help protect against some harmful effects of free radicals.

Additionally, research suggests that prenatal exposure to peanuts may reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life.

Almonds During Pregnancy

Almonds are a particularly good choice of the nut during this period. 

They're a great source of vitamin E, which is important for developing your baby's nervous system.

Mamra Badam During Pregnancy

Almonds or Mamra Badam are rich in magnesium and Vitamin E, a mineral that's essential for a healthy gestation.

Magnesium helps to relax your body muscles and can help relieve some of the aches and pains associated with gestation.

It's also necessary for the proper formation of bones and teeth.

Include almonds as part of a healthy diet during gestation. 

Be sure to choose unsalted varieties and limit your intake to a few ounces daily.

Pistachios During Pregnancy

These amazing nuts are another type of nut that can be benefits of Pistachios during pregnancy.

They're a good nutty vegan protein, fiber, and healthy fats source. 

Pistachios are also a rich nutty potassium source, a mineral essential for proper muscle function.

Salted Pista During Pregnancy

Potassium helps maintain your body's fluid balance and is important for the proper working of the heart, kidneys, and other organs.

Pista during pregnancy is also a good source of folic acid.

This nutrient is important for developing the neural tube, which becomes your baby's brain and spinal cord.

Folic acid help to prevent certain congenital disabilities of the brain and spine.

For this reason, it's recommended that all women take a daily supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid during pregnancy.

You can also get your everyday dose of folic acid by eating pistachios.

 Just be sure to limit your intake to a few ounces per day.

Cashews During Pregnancy

Cashews are another type of nut that's packed with essential nutrients.

They're a good nutty vegan source of iron, which is necessary for producing hemoglobin.

 Which helps carry oxygen in the blood to the tissues.

Iron is important for pregnant women because it helps to prevent anemia. 

Anemia during gestation can lead to fatigue and other complications.

Cashews are also a good source of zinc, a mineral that's essential for immune function and cell growth.

Zinc is important for pregnant women because it helps to protect against infection.

Cashews are also a good source of copper, a mineral necessary for developing your baby's nervous system.

You can include cashews as part of a healthy diet during this days.

Walnuts During Pregnancy

Walnuts are another type of nut that can be benefits of Walnuts during pregnancy

They're a good nutty vegan source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain development.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven during gestation to help reduce the risk of certain congenital disabilities, such as those affecting the heart and brain.

Walnuts are also a good source of magnesium, a mineral that's essential for a healthy gestation.

Magnesium relaxes your muscles and can help relieve some of the aches and pains associated with gestation.

It's also necessary for the proper formation of bones and teeth.

You can include walnuts as part of a healthy diet during this days.

Pecans During Pregnancy

Pecans During Pregnancy are another type of nut that's packed with essential nutrients.

They're a good nutty vegan protein, fiber, and healthy fats source. Pecans are also a rich source of zinc, a mineral that's essential for immune function and cell growth.

Zinc is important for pregnant women because it helps to protect against infection.

Pecans are also a good source of copper, a mineral necessary for developing your baby's nervous system.

You can include pecans as part of a healthy diet in these amazing days.

Macadamia Nuts During Pregnancy

Macadamia are another type of nut that can be beneficial during gestation period. They're a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Macadamia are also a rich nutty vegan source of magnesium, a mineral that's essential for a healthy gestation.

Magnesium helps to relax your body muscles and can help relieve some of the aches and pains associated with those days.

It's also necessary for the proper formation of bones and teeth.

You can include macadamia nuts as part of a healthy diet during gestation.

They are a nutritious snack option for pregnant women.

They're a good source of essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, healthy fats, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper.

They are also a good natural vegan source of folic acid, a nutrient important for developing the neural tube. 

Best time to eat nuts during pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, you always look for ways to ensure your baby's health.

You may have heard that eating them during those days can benefit you and your child.

But when is the best time to eat them during those days?

They are a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

They can also be a good source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, copper, selenium, and vitamin E.

All of these nutrients are important for a developing fetus.

Eating them in this days of gestation has been linked with a reduced risk of preeclampsia. This serious complication can occur those periods. 

Preeclampsia can cause high blood pressure and lead to premature birth, so it should be in the first trimester. 

Eating them in gestation can also help prevent gestational diabetes. This condition can develop and cause problems for both mother and child. 

So, when is the best time to eat nuts during pregnancy?

The answer is as soon as you find out you are pregnant! Eat them throughout your entire gestation period to ensure the health of your baby.

However, limit your intake to a handful per day to avoid packing on too much extra weight.

How Many Nuts Should You Eat During Pregnancy?

There's no hard and fast rule for how many of them you should eat during those days.

Most experts recommend eating a handful (about 1/4 cup) of nuts daily.

If you're concerned about weight gain in gestation, you may want to limit your intake of them to a few handfuls per week.

Remember that they are a healthy choice for pregnant women, so don't feel you must avoid them completely.

Soaked Nuts or direct during pregnancy?

Suppose you are worried about the side effects of eating them during those days. In that case, try soaking them in water overnight.

This will help to reduce the risk of indigestion and gas. Soaking them also makes them easier to digest.

Directly eating soaked or dry has pros and cons. It is better to eat at your convenience.

You can go for soaked ones if you face problems while eating dry nuts.

Drynuts contain more fat than soaked ones but are a good energy source.

So, it is up to you whether you want to eat dry or soaked nuts during these days. Just make sure that you eat them in moderation. 

Also, Read

Side Effects of Nuts during Pregnancy

Be sure to choose unsalted varieties and limit your intake to a few ounces daily. 

Benefits of Walnuts during Pregnancy

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