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The King of Mangoes - Buy Alphonso Mangoes Online / अल्फांसो आम

अल्फांसो आम: भारत के सबसे स्वादिष्ट आम

अल्फांसो आम: भारत के सबसे स्वादिष्ट आम

अल्फांसो आम भारत के सबसे प्रसिद्ध और लोकप्रिय आमों में से एक है। यह अपने मीठे स्वाद, रसीले गूदे और सुगंध के लिए जाना जाता है। अल्फांसो आम को आमों का राजा भी कहा जाता है।

अल्फांसो आम का स्वाद:

अल्फांसो आम का स्वाद बहुत ही मीठा और स्वादिष्ट होता है। इसका गूदा नारंगी रंग का और बहुत ही रसीला होता है। अल्फांसो आम की सुगंध भी बहुत ही मनमोहक होती है।

कैसे पड़ा अल्फांसो नाम?

अल्फांसो आम का नाम पुर्तगाली खोजकर्ता अफोंसो दि अल्बूकर्क के नाम पर पड़ा है। अफोंसो दि अल्बूकर्क ने 16वीं शताब्दी में भारत पर विजय प्राप्त की थी। उन्होंने भारत में अल्फांसो आम को देखा और इसकी सुगंध और स्वाद से बहुत प्रभावित हुए।

उनके सन्मान में इस प्रजाति के आम को उनके नाम पर रखा गया नाम पर अल्फांसो।

अफोंसो दि अल्बूकर्क एक पुर्तगाली नौसेना अधिकारी और खोजकर्ता थे, जिन्होंने 15वीं शताब्दी में भारत में पुर्तगाली साम्राज्य की नींव गोवा राज्य में रखी। अल्बूकर्क ने भारत में आम के पेड़ों से प्रभावित होकर उनको देखा और उनके स्वाद और सुगंध से प्रभावित हुए। उन्होंने आम के पेड़ों को अपने देश में ले जाने के लिए एक योजना बनाई।

अल्फोंसो के पेड़ का ग्राफ्टिंग क्या होता है

अल्बूकर्क ने अपने साथ भारत से आम के पेड़ों की कलमें लाईं। उन्होंने अपने देश में  रत्नागिरी में आम के पेड़ों को ग्राफ्ट किया। ग्राफ्टिंग एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें एक पेड़ के टिश्यू को दूसरे पेड़ में जोड़ा जाता है। ग्राफ्टिंग के माध्यम से, अल्बूकर्क ने भारत के आम के पेड़ों की विशेषताओं को अपने देश में लाने में सक्षम हुए।

अल्बूकर्क के द्वारा ग्राफ्ट किए गए आम के पेड़ों को अल्फोंसो नाम दिया गया। अल्फोंसो आम की विशेषताएं भारत के आम के पेड़ों के समान थीं। अल्फोंसो आम मीठे और सुगंधित होते हैं। वे जल्दी पकते हैं और लंबे समय तक रखे जा सकते हैं।

अल्बूकर्क की अल्फोंसो आम की ग्राफ्टिंग की तकनीक ने दुनिया भर में आम के उत्पादन को बढ़ावा दिया। आज, अल्फोंसो आम दुनिया के सबसे लोकप्रिय आमों में से एक है।

अल्फोंसो आम की खोज 

अल्फोंसो आम की खोज के बारे में एक कहानी है कि अल्बूकर्क ने महाराष्ट्र के रत्नागिरी के एक गांव में एक आम का पेड़ देखा। पेड़ के फल इतने मीठे और सुगंधित थे कि अल्बूकर्क ने उन्हें अपने देश में ले जाने का फैसला किया। उन्होंने पेड़ से एक कलम ली और उसे अपने देश में ले गए। उन्होंने कलम को एक अन्य आम के पेड़ पर ग्राफ्ट किया। ग्राफ्टिंग सफल रही और पेड़ ने अल्फोंसो आमों का उत्पादन करना शुरू कर दिया।

अल्फोंसो आम भारत का राष्ट्रीय फल है। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण आर्थिक फसल है और भारत के कृषि निर्यात में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देता है।

आमों का राजा

अल्फांसो आम को "आमों का राजा" कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह एक बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक आम है। अल्फांसो आम में विटामिन ए, विटामिन सी, पोटेशियम, मैग्नीशियम और फाइबर जैसे पोषक तत्व होते हैं।

हाफूस आम वंश Mangifera indica

अल्फांसो आम Mangifera indica वंश का एक आम है। यह आम भारत के पश्चिमी तट पर महाराष्ट्र के कोंकण क्षेत्र में उगाया जाता है।

इसलिए हापुस आम बन गया अल्फांसो

अल्फांसो आम को पहले हापुस आम कहा जाता था। हापुस एक मराठी शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है "प्यार"। अल्फांसो आम के मीठे स्वाद और सुगंध के कारण, इसे जल्द ही "आमों का राजा" कहा जाने लगा।

जीआई टैग क्या है?

जीआई टैग या भौगोलिक संकेत एक ऐसा टैग है जो किसी विशेष उत्पाद या सेवा को उसकी उत्पत्ति के स्थान से जोड़ता है।

अल्फोंसो आम का जीआई टैग

अल्फांसो आम को भारत सरकार द्वारा जीआई टैग दिया गया है । जो की रत्नागिरी, सिंधुदुर्ग (देवगढ़), अलीबाग, ठाणे और पालघर ज़िल्हा को ही उपलब्ध है ।

हापुस आम की विशेषताएं:

अल्फांसो आम की कुछ विशेषताएं निम्नलिखित हैं:

  • इसका आकार मध्यम होता है।
  • इसका छिलका पीला होता है।
  • इसका गूदा नारंगी रंग का और रसीला होता है।
  • इसकी सुगंध बहुत ही मनमोहक होती है।

असली कोंकणी हाफूस आम:

अल्फांसो आम को कोंकण के कुछ हिस्सों में असली कोंकणी हाफूस आम कहा जाता है। इन आमों को कोंकण के देवगढ़ और रत्नगिरि जिलों में उगाया जाता है।

अल्फांसो आम की ये है खासियत:

अल्फांसो आम की कुछ खासियतें निम्नलिखित हैं:

  • यह एक बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक आम है।
  • यह भारत का सबसे महंगा आम है।
  • इसे "आमों का राजा" कहा जाता है।
  • इसे जीआई टैग दिया गया है।

हापुस आम का रेट

अल्फांसो आम का रेट बहुत ही अधिक होता है। भारत में, अल्फांसो आम का भाव लगभग ₹६०० से ₹९०० प्रति किलो होता है।

रत्नगिरि का हापुस आम

रत्नागिरि का हापुस आम भारत के सबसे स्वादिष्ट अल्फांसो आमों में से एक माना जाता है। रत्नगिरि के हापुस आमों को उनके मीठे स्वाद और रसीले गूदे के लिए जाना जाता है।

रत्नगिरि हापुस आम  हमारे यहाँ मिलता हैं आर्डर करने के लिए क्लिक करे 

फलों का राजा अल्फांसो आम

अल्फांसो आम भारत के सबसे लोकप्रिय और महंगे आमों में से एक है। यह अपने मीठे स्वाद, रसीले गूदे और सुगंध के लिए जाना जाता है। अल्फांसो आम को "आमों का राजा" भी कहा जाता है।

अल्फांसो आम का स्वाद बहुत ही मीठा और स्वादिष्ट होता है। इसका गूदा नारंगी रंग का और बहुत ही रसीला होता है। अल्फांसो आम की सुगंध भी बहुत ही मनमोहक होती है।

अल्फांसो आम में विटामिन ए, विटामिन सी, पोटेशियम, मैग्नीशियम और फाइबर जैसे पोषक तत्व होते हैं। यह एक बहुत ही पौष्टिक फल है।

  • विटामिन ए और सी की कमी से आंखों और प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के स्वास्थ्य में समस्या हो सकती है।
  • पोटेशियम की कमी से रक्तचाप बढ़ सकता है।
  • मैग्नीशियम की कमी से हड्डियों और मांसपेशियों के स्वास्थ्य में समस्या हो सकती है।
  • फाइबर की कमी से कब्ज और अन्य पाचन संबंधी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।
  • चीनी की अधिक मात्रा से मोटापा, मधुमेह और अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।
  • प्रोटीन की कमी से मांसपेशियों के विकास और मरम्मत में समस्या हो सकती है।

अल्फोंसो आम की फायदे बाकि फलो के साथ तुलना में 

पोषक तत्व अल्फांसो आम (100 ग्राम में)

तुलना (100 ग्राम आम के लिए)

विटामिन ए

20% आरडीडी

आम का विटामिन ए आंखों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है।

विटामिन सी

30% आरडीडी

संतरे (120% आरडीडी) जितनी आम का विटामिन सी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है।


10% आरडीडी

केला (400 मिलीग्राम), आम का पोटेशियम रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित करता है।

मैग्नीशियम 8% आरडीडी

बादाम (270 मिलीग्राम) आम का मैग्नीशियम मांसपेशियों और तंत्रिकाओं के स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है।


3 ग्राम कब्ज को रोके, पाचन तंत्र को स्वस्थ रखे, कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करे


15 ग्राम आम में प्राकृतिक रूप से मौजूद शर्करा है, जिसमें सुक्रोज और फ्रुक्टोज शामिल हैं। ये शर्करा ऊर्जा प्रदान करती हैं, जो शरीर के लिए आवश्यक है।


1 ग्राम आम में मौजूद प्रोटीन मांसपेशियों के निर्माण और मरम्मत में मदद करता है।

*आरडीडी का मतलब है दैनिक अनुशंसित मात्रा।

अल्फांसो आम का सेवन करने के लाभ:

  • अल्फांसो आम में विटामिन ए और सी होते हैं, जो आंखों और प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली के लिए अच्छे हैं।
  • अल्फांसो आम में पोटेशियम होता है, जो रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है।
  • अल्फांसो आम में मैग्नीशियम होता है, जो हड्डियों और मांसपेशियों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है
  • अल्फांसो आम में फाइबर होता है, जो पाचन में मदद करता है।

अल्फांसो आम का सेवन करने के नुकसान:

  • अल्फांसो आम में बहुत अधिक चीनी होती है, इसलिए मधुमेह के रोगियों को इसे कम मात्रा में खाना चाहिए।


अल्फांसो आम एक पौष्टिक फल है, लेकिन इसका सेवन सीमित मात्रा में करना चाहिए, खासकर मधुमेह और वजन घटाने वाले लोगों के लिए।

अल्फांसो आम भारत के पश्चिमी तट पर महाराष्ट्र के कोंकण क्षेत्र में उगाया जाता है। यह आम फेब्रुवारी से जून के महीने में पकता रहता हैं ।

अल्फांसो आम को कई तरह से खाया जा सकता है। इसे कच्चा खाया जा सकता है, इसका जूस बनाया जा सकता है, या इसे डेसर्ट और अन्य व्यंजनों में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

अल्फांसो आम के कुछ लोकप्रिय व्यंजन निम्नलिखित हैं:

अल्फांसो आम एक बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक फल है। यह भारत का सबसे महंगा आम है, लेकिन इसका स्वाद इसकी कीमत के लायक है। अगर आप कभी भी अल्फांसो आम का स्वाद लेते हैं, तो आप इसे कभी नहीं भूलेंगे।

अल्फोंसो आम की डिलीवरी आपके घर तक

हमारे बागान से हम डायरेक्ट आपके घर तक डिलीवर करते हैं 
हमारा आम कन्याकुमारी से कश्मीर तक और अरुणाचल प्रदेश से मुंबई तक साडी जगह हवाई जहाज से भेजा जाता हैं । मेट्रो शहरों में नेक्स्ट डे डिलीवरी  करते हैं 

हमारा आम केमिकल फ्री पकाया जाता हैं इसमें कोई भी तरीका का केमिकल नहीं डालते हैं

नैचुरली ग्रोन केमिकल फ्री अल्फोंसो मैंगोज

अल्फांसो आम खरीदने के सुझाव

  • अल्फांसो आम खरीदते समय, यह सुनिश्चित करें कि आम अच्छी तरह से पका हुआ हो। आम का छिलका पीला होना चाहिए और गूदा नारंगी रंग का और रसीला होना चाहिए।
  • अल्फांसो आम को ताजा खाएं। इसे स्टोर करने से इसका स्वाद खराब हो सकता है।

अल्फांसो आम का भारत में से निर्यात:

अल्फांसो आम भारत का सबसे अधिक निर्यात किया जाने वाला फल है। अल्फांसो आम को दुनिया के कई देशों में निर्यात किया जाता है, जैसे संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, यूरोप और खाड़ी देश।

अल्फांसो आम एक बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक फल है। यह भारत का सबसे महंगा आम है, लेकिन इसका स्वाद इसकी कीमत के लायक है। अगर आप कभी भी अल्फांसो आम का स्वाद लेते हैं, तो आप इसे कभी नहीं भूलेंगे।

अल्फांसो आम

कश्मीरी कहवा कश्मीरी कावा

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आम केसरी

गिर केसर आम ऑनलाइन

देवगढ़ हापुस आम ऑनलाइन

हापुस आम ऑनलाइन

पायरी आम ऑनलाइन

अल्फांसो मैंगो

अल्फोंसो मानगो

रत्नागिरी हापुस आम ऑनलाइन

आम का पल्प

कश्मीरी केशर ऑनलाइन

ड्राई फ्रूट की दुकान

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Mango Delivery By Post Office

Mango Delivery By Post Office

We've got some nice news if you desire sweet, juicy mangoes

The postal department in some states in India has started a mango delivery service in collaboration with the state government's mango development corporation.

Mango Home Delivery

This service allows people to order mangoes online and have them delivered to their doorstep by the postman.

Mango Mumbai

The mangoes are delivered in insulated boxes to ensure that they arrive in good condition. The service is available in select PIN codes and the cost of delivery varies depending on the distance.

 Get Mango Delivered by Post 

The Government of different states Mango Development and selling Corporation has created arrangements to deliver  Hapus mangoes to your homes with the assistance of the postal department.

The additional extra is that mango harvest home has commenced on a smaller scale.

Solely five-hundredths of the Alphonso mangoes will be out there this year because the flowering has been uninteresting for several reasons, together with early rain.

However, despite those problems, you'll be able to still satisfy your mango desire because of the post workplace in the city.

If you're drooling already, then here's what you wish to try and do to order a box of mangoes.

From Apr seventeen forrader, order mangoes on our website; you'll get mangoes directly from the farmers. 

Around a dozen, farmers have registered on this portal to provide juicy fruit to varied elements of town.

The mangoes also are void of cancer-causing carbide, used for ripening. They're all naturally ripe or have come back from approved ripening chambers, and these chambers use gas for ripening, which is a suitable method worldwide.

Choose between 3kg boxes of Raspuri, Badami, and Sindhura mangoes. CG Nagaraj mentioned to The Hindu that they need to provide five tonnes of mangoes to residences in Raja Rajeshwari Nagar.

Since the communication department couldn't offer the fruits period past, the farmers were roped in.

They directly provided the mangoes, and therefore it wouldn't visit waste.

Since it was an incredible success, they set to increase this to alternative city elements.

However, every housing or layout can order 250kg. To form this a viable venture for farmers, transport mangoes in trucks.

Keeping social distancing norms in mind, the mangoes will be delivered at the gate.

Consumers will order on our portal for mangoes directly from farmers.

Nearly a few farmers have registered with the portal to provide for varied town elements.

The mangoes are free from the cancer-causing carbide used for ripening.

They're naturally ripe or come back from approved ripening chambers that use natural ethene gas for ripening, a method accepted worldwide.

One will choose between three-kilogram boxes of Badami, Sindhura, and Raspuri varieties.

Once Ramanagara, one of the most important mango-growing districts in the State, detached for Traders.

Over the last period, we've provided 5 tonnes of mangoes to residences in Raja Rajeshwari Nagar.

Because the communication department couldn't offer the past period, we ask the farmers to ensure that the fruit doesn't waste. It was an enormous success, and we attempted to do that in many areas of town.

However, every housing or layout must order 250 kilograms to make it viable for the farmers—the transport mangoes in trucks.

The fruit will be delivered at the gate by social distancing norms.

Alphonso Mango Delivery

As of currently, solely Ramanagara has detached as Badami, Sindhura, and Raspuri area unit harvested early.

Whereas Dharwad, Belgaum, Haveri, Gadag, and Koppal can before long begin harvest home, their native Alphonso Mango, Badami, Kolar, and Chikkaballapura can open up in might and Gregorian calendar month, with Benishan (Banganapalli), Badami, Mallika, Totapuri, Imam Pasand and Neelam.

Flowering has reduced, and the yield of Malgova and Mallika conjointly will be solely forty compared to last year.

Instead of the standard twelve hundred thousand metric tonnes each smart season has made, states will be down to seven hundred thousand metric tonnes this year. The native varieties can trickle in looking at what the farmers have planted.

Amongst the oldest native living mango varieties area unit Thou, Kohri, Kajri, Gundu Maavu, Jeerige maavu, says senior husbandry human of the husbandry Department, SV Hittalmani.

अल्फांसो आम

Dakshina Kanarese region has Mundappa, Kumta Honnavara, and Bhatkal in Uttara Kanarese, there's Kari Eshad, Dharwad has Baalemaavu, and Sakkareguthi is offered everywhere in the State. South Canara has Appe Maavu and Nekkere in Kodagu, Hassan and Sakleshpur.

Mango Gift

Online Mango Fruit

Karnataka has nearly one 000 types of wild mangoes, and nearly a hundred and fifty of them area unit of the pickling selection, says AN Yellappa Reddy, author, tree skilled, and former Administrator of Forests.

The Indian Institute of husbandry analysis (IIHR) conjointly has preserved over 1,000 varieties in business, non-commercial, wild, and semi-wild types of mango fruit.

Mumbai Mango

Since the Covid-19 crisis, we've had robust times. The mango season has started we tend to sell each within the markets through the government.

We may have earned profits if we try to sell throughout traditional times; however, currently, we tend to area unit a minimum of assured of a good value through the mango board, aforesaid the farmer from Bijapur.

The mango varieties on provide embrace Badami, Sindhura, and Raspuri, all in 3-kilogram boxes.

However, to form the method possible for farmers, every housing or layout should order 250 kilograms, delivered at the doorway gate, by social distancing rules.

Though the yield will be less abundant this year, we're glad the authorities try to ensure the harvest doesn't visit waste with initiatives like this.

Mango Home Delivery

Alphonso Mango Delivery

Mango Delivery Mumbai

Mango Online Delivery

Mango Home Delivery

Alphonso Mango Home Delivery

Alphonso Mango Home Delivery Mumbai

Ratnagiri Mango online Delivery

Online Mango delivery in Mumbai

Online Mango Delivery in Jaipur

Online Mango Delivery in Kolkata

Online Mango Delivery in Surat

Mango Delivery Varanasi

Green Mango Online Delivery

Delivery time for Online Devgad Hapus Mango 

Mumbai Mango

Mango Delivery

Mango Online




Mango Mumbai Store

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Mango Mumbai Store - AlphonsoMango.in

Mango Mumbai Store

Mango Mumbai Store

We have our own store from where you can pick up your fruits and dry fruits directly by dropping them off in the Bombay Kurla area. You can find us on Google Maps and Visit.

We offer you home delivery. So if you are unable to visit us, you can order directly from our website. Our team will get it delivered directly to your home in India.

Where can I find the Mango store in Mumbai?

The Mango store in Mumbai at Kurla. It is one of the popular Alphonso hapus, Kesar aam, and Payari retailers and offers a wide range of trendy dry fruits and other tropical fruits delivering Pan India.

Mango Mumbai Store from Konkan

India is home to a variety of fresh veggies and fruits. One such fruit is mango. More than 24 variants are grown in India. Some of them are loved globally.

Imagine a world of hapus so tasty, sweet, and juicy that they make every bite a taste of paradise.

That's what Alphonsomango.in brings to the people of Mumbai. They carefully pick the best Hapus from Ratnagiri and Devgad, where the most delicious mangoes grow.

These fruits are grown without harmful chemicals you can enjoy them without worry.

And to ensure you're getting the real deal, each fruit has a unique tag that says it's from Ratnagiri or Devgad. So, if you're looking for the best hapus in Bombay, look at Alphonsomango.in. They'll take you on a taste adventure you will remember!

Your Gateway to Ratnagiri and Devgad's hapus Paradise

Imagine a world of hapus so tasty, sweet, and juicy that they make every bite a taste of paradise. That's what Alphonsomango.in brings to the people of Bombay. They carefully pick the best hapus from Ratnagiri and Devgad, where the most delicious fruit grow.

These Alfanso are grown without harmful chemicals you can enjoy them without worry. And to ensure you're getting the real deal, each hapus has a unique tag that says it's from Ratnagiri or Devgad.

So, if you're looking for the best hapus in Bombay, look at Alphonsomango.in. They'll take you on a taste adventure you will remember!

Buy mango online

Are you craving the sweet indulgence of hapus in the bustling financial capital city?

Look only at the convenience of online hapus delivery in Bombay with our website or physical store in Kurla. You can choose at your convenience. You can visit our store directly to get the feel and buy there.

With a few clicks, you can embark on a virtual journey to the sun-drenched orchards of Ratnagiri and Devgad, the birthplace of these exquisite fruits. Indulge in the symphony of flavours, from the creamy Badami to the tangy Kesar, delivered fresh and ready to delight your taste buds.

Ordering online from our store will provide. You can visit our packing house and store in Kurla, Bombay. Embrace the essence of tropical luxury as hapus reaches your Mumbaikar's doorstep.

Alphonso Mango Store Mumbai

The most loved Indian variants are Dasheri Aam Online, Langda, Gir Kesar, and Alphonso. Alphonso is known globally for its distinct aroma, delicious taste, creamy texture, juicy pulp, and beautiful skin.

Alphonso Mango

Exclusively grown in Konkan, Alphonso or Mango Hapus is loved for its deliciously juicy pulp and unique aroma. Hapus comes in a medium size and weighs around 150-300 grams.

Ratnagiri hapus Mango Price In Mumbai

The price of Ratnagiri hapus mangoes in Mumbai can vary depending on the season and availability. However, during peak season (February-June), you can expect to pay anywhere from Rs. 2000-1500 per dozen, depending on the quality and size of the fruit. It is best to purchase these mangoes from trusted sellers like us to ensure you get authentic, certified, naturally grown, chemical-free, and calcium-carbide-free Ratnagiri hapus mangoes at a fair price.

Additionally, it is always a good idea to inquire about the ripeness of the fruit before purchasing it to ensure that you get the best possible flavour and texture.

Mango Store Mumbai

When raw, it has green skin and is hard to touch. You can use green or partially ripe ones to make chutneys, pickles, dips, salsa, and salads. Its added in chaat recipes like bhel or sev puri.

A ripe Hapus is yellow, aromatic, and soft like a peach or avocado.

A Taste of Paradise in Mumbai

In the heart of Mumbai's busy streets, Alphonsomango.in brings a taste of paradise to everyone. They offer the most delicious alphonso, the hapus, known as the king of Alphonso. These hapus are grown in Ratnagiri and Devgad, two unique places in India that make the sweetest mangoes in the world.

Organic and Chemical-Free Delights

Alphonsomango.in fruits are grown without harmful chemicals you can enjoy them without worry. They also have a unique GI tag that says they are from Ratnagiri or Devgad, so you know you're getting the real deal.

Embark on a Culinary Journey

Alphonsomango.in invites you to try their different type of mangoes. They have the Alphonso, which is the king of mangoes, and the Kesar, which is a bit sour and sweet.

No matter which type you like, Alphonso mango has the perfect fruit.

Mango Mumbai Store

Ripe mangoes are significant ingredients to make desserts. Add it to your cake batters, lassi, milkshakes, parfaits, puddings, and other dishes.

Mango Delivery

Two Konkani districts are especially famous for their Hapus mangoes, Devgad and Ratnagiri.

AlphonsoMango In Mumbai

These districts produce superior quality mangoes shipped to mango stores across prominent Indian cities such as Bombay, Kolkata, Bangalore, and Pune.

Devgad and Ratnagiri Hapus are exported globally to countries such as Singapore, the UK, UAE, the USA, Malaysia, and many more.

Origin of AlphonsoMango

Hapus was brought to India by a Portuguese military officer, Alphonso de Albuquerque. He also taught Indians the skill of grafting plants. Today, Indians have turned into maestros of grafting plants.

Mango Mumbai

Hapus is exclusively grown in Konkan because Konkan's soil, terrain, and climate add to Hapus taste.

Other states across India have tried growing Alphonso. But their Hapus was less tasty than Konkan's Hapus.

Devgad Mango in Mumbai

In Mumbai, Devgad Alphonso mangoes are highly sought after for their unique flavour and sweet taste. These export-quality mangoes are grown in the coastal region of Maharashtra, and their popularity has grown exponentially. They are typically available from yellow colour February to June. They are the world's best Alphonso mangoes from a small village it is also a Devgad Taluka in the Konkan region of Maharashtra state.

Local Sellers generally sell inferior Mangoes. for a market cheat, customers because this tropical fruit is from Karnataka and they sell it at a cheaper price. We are traders and growers with GI Tag certificates from Devgad Taluka and Ratnagiri for the best fruits.

You can find them online and order with us. Devgad Hapus mangoes are known for their pulpiness and minimal fibre content, making them a perfect ingredient for smoothies, desserts, or just enjoying as a snack.

Buy Hapus Online

Online shopping has now become a way of life because of the pandemic. You can now buy everything online, from clothes to coffins. You can also find premium-quality mangoes online.

We work hard to deliver the freshest Alphonso and Kesar mangoes. We ripen our mangoes naturally. This means they do not contain carbide.

Carbide is a chemical compound that speeds up the ripening process. Carbide is harmful to health.

It also hampers the taste of your mangoes. Our mangoes are shipped to you directly from agro farms to your homes.

Mango Online Mumbai

We ship near to green mangoes, which then ripen at your place.

It helps in reducing the damage caused by travel. It also enables you to make sure that your mangoes ripen naturally. To buy premium quality mangoes, click here.

Payri Mangoes Online Bombay

Mangoes Online Mumbai

Mangos Delivery Mumbai

Mumbai Mangoes Market

Alphonso mango in Mumbai

Corporate Mango Gift

Mango Festival in Mumbai

Mango a Day Keeps Doctor Away

Where to buy Alphonsomango in Mumbai

AlphonsoMango in Mumbai

Mangos Mumbai Store

Buy AlphonsoMango Mumbai

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अल्फांसो आम

Buy Alphonso Mango UK

Payri Amba

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Nuts for New Moms

Alphonso Mangoes Online


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Alphonso: A Shopping Guide - AlphonsoMango.in

Alphonso: A Shopping Guide

Alphonso: A Shopping Guide

The golden yellow hue of ripe Hapus with a dash of an orange tint and a perfectly moderate shelf life lends Hapus Mangoes its uniqueness. 

The smooth, low-fiber feel, and the delicious flesh of authentic Alphonso, make it a must-have delicacy of summers.

Buy mango online

However, did you know that Alphonso's mango is very sharp and difficult to produce?

Who doesn't love an Alphonso from Ratnagiri? Whether you order Alphonso mango online or buy it at local stores, there are specific indicators you shouldn't miss.

Return policy for Alphonso Mangoes 

The extreme heat surrounding this luxurious fruit and the low supply has led to high prices. However, that has not diminished Alphonso fans' spirit, who yearn for the sweet fragrance and taste.

Mango Pulp

Every year, buyers search all local retailers and stores looking for the original Alphonso and often buy cheap counterfeit products. 

The introduction of virtual land has made it easier for consumers, but the question of mangoes Online authenticity persists.

Buy Authentic Alphonso Mango

There is a rise in the number of sellers using fragrant dyes on other species of mangoes to sell them as Hapus. Also, the organic mango of Alphonso of Ratnagiri has a severe illness following the absence of chemicals used in any production phase.

However, those grown with harmful chemicals are sold in local markets as alternatives to the naturally grown Hapus.

The launch of the websites has been a great blessing for mango lovers around the world. You can order your favorite mango from the comfort of your own home without spending a lot of time and effort.

However, concerns about quality remain. How can you tell if the lot you are bringing is the variety you ordered? Yes, you can be sure if you follow a simple testing procedure:

  1. Check for user feedback and reviews: Avoid buying the product or from the website if users and customers have poorly reviewed it.
  2. Personal experience: Opt for a website or a product you have previously bought and loved. Seek information about your friends or family's experience with a website or product if necessary.
  3. Certification and License: Check the seller's certification or license of the website from which you are shopping.
  4. Check for GI Tag certification of the seller and farmer for a guarantee of origin of Hapus.
  5. Return and exchange: Read the return or exchange policy of the site or seller before placing your order.

You can make lots of recipes like Mango Falooda, Mango Sheera, Mango Smoothies and much more with this authentic mangoes.

We at alphonsoMango.in To assure to deliver high-quality, naturally grown Alphonso mango at your doorstep.

You will find all the necessary details on our website. 

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Buy Alphonso mango Online.

Ratnagiri Alphonso Mangoes Shopping

Devgad Alphonso Mangoes Shopping

Hapus Mangoes Shopping online

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Mango Falooda in Hindi

अल्फांसो आम


Buy Mangoes Online Pune


Mango Pulp

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ಅಲ್ಫೋನ್ಸೋ ಮಾವು

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Best Mango In The World

Best Mango in the World Directly from Farmers  

When it is a question about the best fruit in the world, I will surely vote for Mango for its delicious taste and tangy sweetness.

But if the question is, which is the Best Mango in the World answer, your answer will be the same. 

Buy Mango online

To tell you the fact, all mangoes are the best in the world, but if you have to narrow down your search.

One and only Alphonso Mango, the Hapus Mango of Konkan Maharashtra, India.

My father was in the Indian Naval service, and my childhood and schooling spread across multiple coastal states of India with Naval bases. 

Since I was small, we used to wait for our annual Calendar to start the months from March to April, as it was a time when Grandfather used to take us to our village for the Mango season

One fun we always enjoyed was the taste of Mango, which naturally ripened.

That taste will always remain on our condor.

Our grandfathers used to purposefully keep some ripe mangoes on the tree even after they were near ripe.

He used to excite us so that we used to climb on the tree and eat the Ripe Hapus Mango on the tree itself.

It was a complete holiday and enjoyment with lots of Alphonso mangoes for taste and taste buds’ enjoyment and our minds.

Just start thinking about one thing: summer is near our school, and it’s the time of the king of fruit, the king of mangoesअल्फांसो आम an Hapus Mango of Konkan.

It is a complete feeling of tasty delight, refreshment of mind, and taste buds, filled with the wonder of juicy, delicious pulp in dreams and enchantment. Fascination.

Happiness, the pleasure of love towards the king of fruit, or joy to our taste buds with a sweet, tangy flavor with the best enchanting aroma.

You can choose from a range of Alphonso mangoes. Mango is good for diabetic as it has normal Mango Glycemic Index.

Aam papad Toffee

Aam papad toffee is a popular treat for special occasions and festivals in India. It is also a popular snack for children and adults alike. It is a good source of energy and nutrients, and it can also be helpful in relieving coughs and colds.

It may be like Ratnagiri Alphonso Mango, Devgad Alphonso Mango, Alphonso Mango Pulp, or Aam papad receipe. All of them are the best mangoes in the world. 

Alphonso Mango – King of fruits 

Mangoes remind me of the stains I left in my childhood, not on my clothes but on memories in my heart.

Best Alphonso Mango Online in the world

Mango is designated as the king of fruits in India and globally.

It is recognized as the king of fruits. Lots of reasons are making this fruit a King in the view of the fact it has been commanding the brain and hearts of people worldwide for a long time through its diverse hallmarks like : 

  • Mangoes and Mango Pulp are a rich source of Vitamins and Minerals, which helps reduce heat in summer.
  • Immunity Booster helps in boosting your Immune level during summer.
  • Mangoes boost and facilitate healthy digestion with a high percentage of digestive fiber. It Boosts and promotes a Healthy Gut. 
  • Vitamin A in this king of fruits help promotes eye health.
  • Low cholesterol level fiber in Hapoos, with pectin and Vitamin C, helps lower serum cholesterol levels, which helps in especially the harmful Low-Density Lipoprotein we in common language call bad cholesterol.
  • The mixing bowl of nutrients in this tropical fruit, abundant in vitamins A, C, and E plus beta-carotene, is perfect for your skin and hair health. Hence they are an excellent source of skin.
  • Even people with diabetes can enjoy the summer fruit Hapoos are abundant in carbs, and calorie content is significant. Still, they do not affect blood glucose when consumed in moderation.
  • Aids Weight Loss fills your tummy with meager calories. They have 0.6 calories per gram, building it as a very low-density king of fruit, and research has shown that It is no more a secret that fruits with high fiber content are the best food for weight loss.
  • Aids weight gain helps in gaining weight for lean and thin people.
  • Colour of Mango - With a pale golden yellow, orange, and saffron hue in color. A small tinge of red may spread across the top to bottom. The flesh of the fruit is saffron hued with yellow color.
  • Taste – The ripe mango flesh is juicy and soft and has a consistency ranging from fibrous to almost the consistency of smooth butter, acidic and slightly tart at the same time.
  • The flesh of Mango - The flesh tastes sweet and tangy fresh smell, which emits a sweet fragrance.
  • There Are multiple cuisines worldwide using Mango as an essential and foremost ingredient in their various recipes worldwide. 

Buy the sweetest and tastiest mangoes from us Alphonso mango online before the mesmerizing season. It ends this year.

Best Mango In The World 

Our Alphonso Mangoes come directly from our farms in Konkan like Ratnagiri, Devgad, and other nearby areas like Sindhudurga, Pawas, and Alibaug; our farms are GI tagged certified for Alphonso Mangoes.

GI tag Geographical Indication tags verified for the authenticity of origin. 

Others may or may not guarantee you authentic Alfanso Mango and their origin.

We assure you with our GI tag certificate as well with farmers. 

Some questions about the best mangoes in the world are as follows. 

Best mango variety in the world?

The best mango variety in the world is these amazing tropical fruit which is king of fruit worldwide, one of the world’s highest-selling and most costly mangos.

Best quality mango in the world?

Best Mango in the world country?

The best quality Mango in the world is Alphonso Mango, which is spread across the Globe for its mesmerizing taste, aroma, and color. 

Best Alphonso mangoes in the world?

The best Hapush Mango in the world are from Konkan, Maharashtra.

These mangos are certified with a GI tag called Geographical Indication tag, which confirms the authenticity of the product’s origin by the Indian Government as per patenting laws.

What is the best Mango in the world?

Best mango fruit in the world?

Which are the best mangoes in the world?

The world always recognizes that the best Mango fruit is Alphonso Mango Globally.

Best Aam Papad recipe

Best tasting mangoes in the world?

Best tasty Mango in the world?

The best-tasting mangoes in the world are Alphonso Mango because of its mesmerizing sweet, tangy taste and pleasant, enchanting aroma.         

Where is the best Mango in the world? Which is the best Mango in the world?

Who has the best Mango in the world?

Best Mango in the world, India?

Best Mango is grown in India on the western coast of India in the Maharashtra Konkan region.

Best mango producer in the world?

Best mangoes are grown in the world?

The Indian subcontinent is the primary origin of mangoes, which distribute mangoes worldwide.

Mangoes are grown in more than 2.46 Mn.

Hectares produce ~48 Mn tons, and the states contributing to the production of Mangoes are Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Uttara Khand, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab & Haryana.             

Almost half of the world’s mangoes are cultivated and produced in India alone, with 99% of local consumption and only 1 % of export.

The second-largest source is China and other countries.

How Much Does A Mango Weigh

Best Mango In The World

Mango Alphonso

Mango Mumbai

Mango is good for Health

Mango is Good for Eyes

Mango a Healthy and Tasty Delight

Alphonso Mango Pulp


Mango Glycemic index

Buy Alphonso Mango Online Mumbai


Alphonso Mango Mumbai

Buy Mangoes

How to make Mango Pulp

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